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I recently attended the goth festival in Wellington, New Zealand. This took place from the 13th to the 15th of October.
Goth festival was centered at the Indigo bar in Cuba St. and spanned 3 days.
Friday night offered music and DJ's featuring Dr. Kevorkian & the suicide machine and The Drawing room. There was a small art festival with music on Saturday avo, complete with free red wine.
Saturday night held more bands such as NothingHunger and N.U.T.E., Black tintin's spike stall, and giveaways from Michel.
Sunday's picnic was cancelled due to bad weather, so instead we migrated to Darrians for the night.
So all round, a great weekend.

Anyway, here are the photos from our festival of Darkness.
Note: Some of these photos didnt turn out so good thanks to peasant batteries.

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Photos by Abby, Decesses, and Dryad