Spikish Wav files
These are arranged in alphabetical order.
Buffy theme in Wav format
(393 kb)
Buffy theme in Midi format
(3.56 kb)
afun.wav (37.7kb)
Spike: Now that was fun.
abpatronize.wav (14.6kb)
Spike: Dont patronize me
aridiculous.wav (13.5kb)
Spike: Don't be ridiculous
antoniobanderas.wav (201kb)
Harmony: Is Antonio Banderas a Vampire?
Spike: No.
Harmony: oh. Can I make him a vampire?
Spike: No....Wait, on second thought, go do that. Take your time. Do Melanie and the kids as well.
army.wav (16.2kb)
Spike: uh, you and what army?
badman.wav (23.6kb)
Spike: You're a very bad man.
bitewillow.wav (425kb)
Willow: It's me isn't it
Spike: What are you talking about?
Willow: Well you came looking for Buffy...then settled...uh you didnt wanna bite me, I just happened to be around
Spike: Piffle
Willow: I know...I'm not the kind of girl Vamps like to sink their teeth into
Spike: Don't be ridiculous, I'd bite you in a heartbeat.
Willow: really?
Spike: Thought about it
Willow: When?
Spike: Remember last year, you had on that fluffy pink number with the lilac underneath
Willow: I never would have guessed.
body.wav (40.9kb)
Spike: I get this spell reversed, they'll be finding your body for weeks.
bored.wav (25.4kb)
Spike: And suddenly I'm so painfully bored
buffytaste.wav (37.8kb)
Spike: Well I gotta have something; I still have Buffy taste in my mouth
camehere.wav (37.7kb)
Spike: I'm really glad I came here, you know.
circulation.wav (67.4kb)
Spike: Bloody Hell, woman - You're cutting off my circulation
Buffy: You dont have any circulation
Spike: Well it pinches
cute.wav (38.4kb)
Spike: She is cute when she's hurting, isn't she.
cutie.wav (16.3kb)
Spike: Hello Cutie
crackteam.wav (49.4kb)
Spike: This is the crack team that foils my every plan, I am deeply shamed.
duh.wav (27kb)
Spike: To coin a popular sunnydale phrase, Duh.
gravy.wav (52.3kb)
Buffy: You can have gravy - that has blood in it right?
Spike: You know what else has blood in it? Blood.
lovehurts.wav (27kb)
Spike: Love Hurts, baby