Coping Statements
A very helpful tool to carry when out, is a laminated card with coping statements or reminders of how to relax through the physical sensations of panic. When we are in panic, all we want to do is flee and its really difficult to remember our coping techniques while terrified. A card of thoughts and steps can remind us what we need to do.
Some helpful coping statements are....
"Take your time, slow your pace"
"Drop your shoulders"
"Panic always passes, this will too"
"I am safe, there is no danger"
"My body is just releasing adrenalin, I'll just let it do its thing"
"This feels so awful, but it cannot hurt me"
"Fighting this feeling wont help, let it be"
"I will concentrate on my stomach breathing and it will ease"
"who cares, I couldn't be bothered panicking"
"This too will pass"
"Nothing bad is going to happen"
"That rush of adrenalin can be reabsorbed in 2 mins...I'll just wait it out"
"I'm not going mad, its just a horrible physical sensation"
"I wont fight this and it will ease"
Write up your own, whatever helps you during panic.