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Dictionary Definitions

One thing I keep wondering ... My understanding of being agoraphobic is NOT the same as dictionary definitions how can being agoraphobic be described the way dictionary definitions explain it?

the word Agoraphobia as found on
ag·o·ra·pho·bi·a ( g r- -f b - )
An abnormal fear of open or public places.
agoraphobia n :
a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in
some public place)


agoraphobia: in CancerWEB's On-line Medical Dictionary
An unexplained fear of open spaces.
Origin: Gr. Phobos = fear


If Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces .. then why is it I & many other sufferers experience attacks/panic/episodes while NOT away from home or even thinking of going anywhere.

I have often had panic attacks while sat watching TV or chatting on the net I do not have to be considering going out I do not even have to "think" of going out an attack can happen even while sleeping.

I also believe .. "once an agoraphobe .. always an agoraphobe". meaning .. we can educate our selves
we can work towards a more "normal" life style, we can become able to go out into the world
"recovering aggies" are always on the look out for "IT" coming back. A recovered aggie still has the adrenalin rushes .. still has symptoms, the main difference is they have learnt to NOT allow those symptoms to interfere with their lives.

I have found one definition that sounds more like my understanding
found at Merriam-Webster OnLine ...

Main Entry: ag·o·ra·pho·bia
Pronunciation: "a-g(&-)r&-'fO-bE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek agora + New Latin -phobia
Date: 1873
: abnormal fear of being helpless in an embarrassing or unescapable situation that
is characterized especially by the avoidance of open or public places

Anyway .. my search & fight goes on.
