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Finding Help

The biggest concern of most agoraphobics I have met is how to get the help that they need to recover. When housebound, trying to get that help becomes a nightmare and becomes a catch 22 situation. We cant get to treatment to recover...but cant recover until we receive that treatment.

But there is always a way, and most agoraphobics are resourceful and highly intelligent and here are some ideas that might be useful to follow.

*Contact local charities. Organisations such as uniting church, St Vincent De Paul, or salvation armies. They may if you push enough be able to arrange volunteers to come and assist you with your shopping needs, or people who may be able to accompany you on your graded exposure exercises.

*Contact local community health centres and information switchboards and ask them to help you find the resources you need.

*Contact government agencies and local councils for information on carer help.

*Don't discount the help of neighbours, friends and family. Most are sitting by aimlessly wishing and hoping for your recovery and are thrilled for you to train them to help.

You will meet a LOT of brick walls in your quest to get some real help. Don't despair, eventually you will find someone who is willing to fit you somehow into a program, or to volunteer to help.
