Keeping Perspective
A lot of people with agoraphobia and panic attacks feel that they are responsible for everyone and everything in their lives. It is wonderful to love and worry about people but at some stage in peoples lives they have to cut ties with people, I am not saying that you should stop them but there is only so much a person can do.
For example I have a friend that lives her life in a very dangerous and unsafe way, there is only so many times that I can tell her that what she is doing is going to be very dangerous to her one day, but she does not listen so all I can do is be there for her when and if the day does happen.
Basically what I am trying to say and I will exaggerate this so it is easier to understand, is that is there was a Meteor that was going to crash into earth we can basically tell everyone that we love that it is going to crash to earth and kill us, but that's all we can do. We cannot physically stop the meteor from crashing into earth and killing people that we love.
No amount of worry will stop this from happening, that is like the love and distance I am trying to explain here. We can love and care for people we can advice them, and even express our feelings but at the end of the day it is their life and if they choose to make a decision which is totally opposite to what we think there is nothing that we can do about it, but just be there for them and help them if they need help if and when things go wrong. At the end of the day it is their life and what they choose to do with it no matter how much we feel it is wrong decision we can only be their to help when and if it goes wrong, and no amount of worry by us will change their minds.