Stampede Wrestling TV Reviews

Stampede Wrestling TV Reviews

Stampede Wrestling TV July,15/2000

This weeks Stampede Wrestling TV shows was mixed action from past weeks of Stampede Wrestling TV. Here is what was compiled to make this show.

First match: The Cuban Assassin vs. Satanicous

Satanicous kicks off the match workingon Cuban Assianin the corner. Cuban reverses the ride to the corner takes control of the match.Cuban dose some chops and kicks. Satanicous fires back at Cuban when eye gouging him. The match is back to back from their. In the end Satanicous bounces of the turn buckles were he is caught by an Ace Crusher (jaw breaker)Winner: The Cuban Assassian

Second match: Eric Freeze vs. "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine

Devine gets some shots in the begining but Freeze catches him with a second rope drop kick. Freeze works on Devine then takes care of him in the outside. When both men return to the ring Devine fires back with a drop kick. Devine then throws Freeze out of the ring and follows with a plancha. Back in the ring Devine punches the head of Eric Freeze in the corner, but Freeze catches him with an atomic drop. Freeze then takes Devine to the outside of the ring and dose an asia moonsault to the outside (Spring board moonsault to the outside). When both men are in the ring Devine catches Freeze with a second rope moonsault. Both men battle a bit more and devine dose a spring board moonsault. Devine eventually catches Freeze with the snake eyes for the pin. Winner:"Hot Shot" Johnny Devine

Fourth match: Harry Smith w/Ross Hart vs. T.J. Wilson w/The Honor Roll

Great match. Smith starts of in control with a running powerslam and a firemans carry into side drop for a two count. Smith hits a nice bouncing huricanrana , he then tries a jumping huricanrana but is powerbombed for a two count. Wilson hits a nice springboard legdrop off the ropes. Later Smith does his finishing maneuver, a firemans carry into a sitout powerbomb, but D. Dwight Davis gets on the apron, and Harry goes after him, Harry and Ross Hart are attacked by the Honor Roll. Both opponents back in the ring, Wilson goes on the top rope and hits a corkscrew sommersault Diamond Cutter. Wilson then hits a swinging DDT of the ropes for a two count, he tries it again but Smith hits a great spinebuster powerbomb for the the win. Davey Boy Smith runs-in after the match and starts to beat up the Honor Roll with a cane. What a matchWinner : Harry Smith

In-ring interview: Davey Boy Smith

Smith tells he will wrestle Richard Pound in a steel cage match. Also Harry Smith will team up someday to form the new British Bulldogs in Stampede Wrestling.

Jolt of The night:TJ Willson doing a firemen's carry back breaker on Harry Smith.

Mat Classic: Mr. Hito vs. David Schults

Awsome heat from the fans.Hito wins after a headbunt to win the North American Heavyweight title. Winner :Mr. Hito

"Dirty "Dick Raines vs. Richard Pound (2/3 falls)

Raines throws Pound out of the ring and follows with a tope, he then returns to the ring working on Richard pound. Pound comes back eye goutching Raines. Pound then works on Raines legs. "the Principal" then throws Dick Raines out of the ring leaving the honor role to take care of him. When Raines returnes to the ring h is busted open bleeding on his forehead. Raines dose a hurucinrana, but is then close lined. Pound dose a running liger bomb followed by a pedegree.Raines comes back with a foot to the face. Richard Pound gets a sleeper hold but Raines turns it into a stunner for a pin.

Raines dose a vader bomb, and gets a two count. Pound then comes back with a boston crab,followed by an indian death lock. The second fall was cut of by commercial break.

Pound takes Raines for the ride were the reff is hit. Kahn gets in the ring trying to hit pound with a cane who ducks out of the way, and the cane hit Raines. Pound then goes for the pin, were he gets the three count. Winner: "The Principal"Richard Pound

Interview with Richard Pound:"Bad News" Allen and Mrs.B are proud of "The Principal" Richard Pound. Pound says he won the match for "Bad News", The Honor Role, and all of the Honor Rolls fans. He then demands for the national anthom.

Past Stampede Wrestling TV reviews

Stampede Wrestling TV, July,8/2000

Dirty Dick Raines & Frank Enstine vs. Teddy Hart & Bret Hanson

All four men start in the ring wrestling. Teddy Hart then dose a spinning heal kick on Enstine who goes over the ropes (Teddy also goes over the rope and lands on his feet). In the ring Hanson works on Raines. Outside the ring Teddy climbs on Frank Enstines sholder jumps of a dose a spring board moonsault onto Enstine and Raines who just comes outside the ring. Later on the match Hanson gets worked on by Raines and Enstine. Hanson finally gets the tag to Teddy who dose a spring board spinning heal kick, and the follows with a swinging DDT. Hart then dose a twisting split leg moonsault. When Teddy tags in Hanson he gets worked on by Raines. Dick Raines then tags in Frank Enstine. Enstine goes for a big splash from the top but misses. Hanson then tags in Teddy Hart. Raines also enter the ring. Hart dose a nice split leg moonsaut, and follows with a shooting star press, for the two count. Teddy is then thrown out of the ring by Enstine. Hanson then enters. He dose a top rope centon on Enstine. Hanson goes for the pin, when it is broken up by Raines. From there the reff gets distracted by Phill Laphon. Raines and Enstine do a spike pile driver on Hanson for a three count.Winners: Dirty Dick Raines & Frank Enstine

Interview with The Shark Tank:Phill Laphon says he will be returning back to action.

Greg Pawluk vs. Tiger Kahn vs. Johnny Devine

This was a pretty good triple thret, with back to back action, of all three men breaking each others counts. Some impressive moves were done. Greg Pawluk dose a reverse huricinrana on Devine from the top rope. Pawluk also dose a double victory role, and a double inverted DDT and Kahn dose a double cobra clutch. Devine also dose a plancha. The match ends when Chris Crule gives Devine a chair, to hit Kahn with, who has Pawluk in a cobra clutch. The reff gets knocked out with a chair, while Devine beats on Pawluk. Teddy Hart and Harry Smith come to help out Pawluk. A big brawl breaks out.

Interview with:Teddy Hart & Harry Smith & Greg Pawluk Pawluk says he wants a rematch. Teddy Hart the says that he wants to have a six man tag, with Kahn, Devine, and Crule involved in it. Teddy Hart then says that there will be crazyness.

Interview with: Tiger Kahn &Devine & Chris Crule Devine and his team agree to have a match. Tiger Kanh then says that he is not friends with either Devine or Crule.

"Bad News" Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

July 8,2000 TV Review
July 1,2000 TV Review
June 24,2000 TV Review
June 17,2000 TV Review
June 10,2000 TV Review
June 3,2000 TV Review
May 27,2000 TV Review
May 20,2000 TV Review
May 13,2000 TV Review
May 6,2000 TV Review
April 29,2000 TV Review
April 15,2000 TV Review
April 8,2000 TV Review
April 1,2000 TV Review

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