Stampede Wrestling TV April,1 2000

Frist Match:Ralph Ruffy Silverstien vs. Cuban Assassian

Cuban controls the first part of the match working on Ruffys legs.Ruffy rebounds back and dose some mat moves to the Cuban Assassin.Ruffy sholder the bread basket of Cuban and finally he moves out of the way,leaving Ruff hitting the corner og the ring post.Assassian get back control of the match hitting the Ace Crusher.Cuban goes for the pin but it is broken up when the honor role jumps in the ring.They start to pound away on the Cuban but he comes back with Strapping the honor role with his bealt. winner: Cuban Assassin

Interview with the Cuban Assassin: He says how he is hear to take care of business,and bring in someone from Cuba to help him.

Second Match:Soddam Insane vs. Hercules Ayala

Soddam Insane has a sholder tackel contest.He attemps many times but can't take down Ayala.Ayala dose a tackle and takes down Soddam,who goes out of the ring.Soddam hits a slug Hammer of the apron to and starts brawling with Ayala outside of the ring.Both men return to the ring where Ayala controls the rest of the match.Ayala drops Soddam with a scoop slam the drops the elbow for the pin.Winner:Ayala

The honor role start to cane Soddam since he lost the match.Soddam feels nothing so the honor rone start to pound on Soddams stuffed pig.Soddam is sad.

Third Match:"hot Shot"Jhonny Devine vs. The Black Ninja

Great match.Devine and black Ninja brawl outside of the ring.Devine attempts many moves but they are stopped by Ninja's kicks.Ninja pounds on Devine with his kicks,then takes Devine for the ride,Devine wich turns to a running moonsault from the second rope onto Black Ninja.Devine takes control of the match.He dose a firemans carry and turns it into a nice DVD.Devine then dose a quabrada.Ninja then is hurt and leaves the ring.Devine the hit a plancha onto Ninja.Both men return to the ring were devine hits a summersault jaw breaker from the top rope for the pin.Winner:Hot Shot Jhonny Devine

Mat classic:Leo Burk vs. Nick Bockwinkel

Bockwinkel punches away on Burk.Burk comes back with a sleeper hold.Burk feels good and dose another sleeper hold.Bockwinkel then get's chocked from the bottom rope.Dr.D wakes up Bockwinkel where Bockwinkel roles up burk for the pin.winner Bockwinkel

Interview with Dr.D:He said he helped Bockwinkek so he coule have a match with him.

Interview with Bockwinkel: He says how he's going to get Dr.D

The "Flight of the Night" segment is shown, which was Devine's plancha on Ninja to the outside.

Tiger Khan & Dick Raines interview inside the ring follows. Khan tells that he uses non violence wrestling and will bring back the sport.

Fourth Match: Tiger Khan and Dick Raines vs. Red Thunder and Wavell Starr A good fast pace match. Greg Pawluk & Johnny Devine come down to ring side to do some commentary. During the match both teams get some good offense. Khan walks up the ropes and hits a 180 plancha but gets a two count. Later Starr hits placha off the top onto Raines for a two count. He also hits a nice frog splash onto both Khan & Raines. Finish comes when Starr hits a move for the win. Thunder & Starr get a shot at the tag team titles next week vs. Pawluk & Devine.

The "Jolt of the week" which was Starr's meltdown on Khan.

Interviews from Red Thunder and Wavell Starr:

They say they are ready for next week and are confident they will win the belts,and they talk about how they will get to the top.

Mauro Ranallo and Bad News Allen end the show off.

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