Stampede WrestlingApril 15th 2000

First match: The Cuban Assassin vs. Satanicous

Satanicous kicks of the match workingon Cuban Assianin the corner. Cuban reverses the ride to the corner takes control of the match.Cuban dose some chops and kicks. Satanicous fires back at Cuban when eye gouging him. The match is back to back from their. In the end Satanicous bounces of the turn buckles were he is caught by an Ace Crusher (jaw breaker)Winner: The Cuban Assassian

Second match: Vic Vipers w/The Honor Roll vs. "Bad Boy"Gary Gallant w/Mark"The Shark" DeCarlo

Vic Viper works on Gallant most of the match over powering him.Gallank attempts manty moves,but they backfire on him. Viper throws Gallant out of the ring were the honor role takes care of him. Gallant dose come back after a swinging neck breaker.Gallant dose some mat moves,then is send back outside were the honor role is. After Gallants fight on the outside is finished with he ends up on the apron. Vic Viper then tries to suplex him back in the ring, were Gallant turns it into a cross body. "Bad Boy"Gary Gallant gets the pin after Mark"The Shark" DeCarlo holds Vipers leg.Winner :"Bad Boy"Gary Gallant

In-ring interview: Gary Gallant Bad News Allen asks why Garry Gallant didn't joit the hHarlem gym 2000. Mark"The Shark" DeCarlo and "Bad News"Allen exchange a few words.Gallant then says he's not in Stampede Wrestling to sell out on anyone,but to acomplish something, thats to get the British Common Wealth title.

Third match: Hercules Ayala vs. Eric Freeze

Ayala has control for ost of the match, Freeze gets swung to the turnbuckles but jumps off the second rope an dose a missle dropkick. Ayala drops an elbow drop for the win.Winner : Hercules Ayala

Mat Classic: Mr. Hito vs. David Schults Awsome heat from the fans.Hito wins after a headbunt to win the North American Heavyweight title. Winner :Mr. Hito

In-ring interview: J. Edgar Hooker and Dale Moffat They talk about the new Stampede merchandise and their growing website.

The Flight of the Night:Ayala throwing Freeze off the top rope

Fourth match: Harry Smith w/Ross Hart vs. T.J. Wilson w/The Honor Roll

Great match. Smith starts of in control with a running powerslam and a firemans carry into side drop for a two count. Smith hits a nice bouncing huricanrana , he then tries a jumping huricanrana but is powerbombed for a two count. Wilson hits a nice springboard legdrop off the ropes. Later Smith does his finishing maneuver, a firemans carry into a sitout powerbomb, but D. Dwight Davis gets on the apron, and Harry goes after him, Harry and Ross Hart are attacked by the Honor Roll. Both opponents back in the ring, Wilson goes on the top rope and hits a corkscrew sommersault Diamond Cutter. Wilson then hits a swinging DDT of the ropes for a two count, he tries it again but Smith hits a great spinebuster powerbomb for the the win. Davey Boy Smith runs-in after the match and starts to beat up the Honor Roll with a cane. What a matchWinner : Harry Smith

In-ring interview: Davey Boy Smith

Smith tells he will wrestle Richard Pound in a steel cage match. Also Harry Smith will team up someday to form the new British Bulldogs in Stampede Wrestling.

The Jolt of the Night:T.J. Wilson having Harry Smith in a torture rack postion, then does a brutal back breaker over his knees during there match.

In-ring interview: William Yeats Yeats and the rest of the Honor Roll attack and punish T.J. Wilson for losing the match.

Mauro Ranalo and Bad News Allen then end the show off.

After second match credit to sunil Prasad,from whoo Wrestling, Stampede Wresatling TV review.

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