Stampede Wrestling TV April,29/2000

First match: Dick Raines w/Mark DeCarlo vs. Jake Radcliff

Raines works on Radcliff doing punches,kicks,and some mat moves. Raines gives some hard chops to Radcliff. Radcliff takes control after reversing Raines hip toss. Radcliff dose some mat moves and a nice dorp kick. Raines rebounds back when Radcliff tries to take him for the ride, and is caught with a second rope back elbow. Raines dose a couple of slams,and a vader bomb. Radcliff dose come back with some nice hard close lines, Radcliff the dose a nice running bulldog. Rains comes back with a belly to belly suplex and gets the pin. Winner: Dirty Dick Raines

Tiger Khan & Mark DeCarlo in ring interview

"bad News"Allen congradulates Tiger Kahn on his victory from the tournment in Asia. Kahn says how he is going to celebraite for his victory. Mark DeCarlo thanks Mrs.B for getting the contract with Sabu.They say how Devine will be crushed by Sabu next week.

Second match: Scott D'Amour vs. Vic Vipers w/Mark DeCarlo

D'Amour dose a hold to Vipers leg. D'Amour then pounds on Viper and dose a knee drop, then takes care of him in the corner. D'Amour then dose some mat moves, but Viper rebounds back with a eye gouge. Viper dose some suplexes, scoop slams, and a russian leg sweep. D'Amour takes back control of the match, when he catches Viper with a power bomb. D'Amour goes for a top rope moosault but misses, Viper then dose a nice power bomb. D'Amour and Viper do some nice moves and have many near falls. Viper then runs at D'Amour and he gets thrown over the top rope. D'Amour is disqualified! D'Amour then brawls with viper in the outside trying to put him through a table. Winner:Vic Viper

Duke D'Amour interview

Duke says his real name is Scott D'Amour. He then says he is in Stampede Wrestling to get Sabu. D'Amour also says he ran Sabu out of ECW, Ontario, and the mid-west.

Johnny Devine interview

"bad News"Allen says how Sabu is going to crush Devine next week. Devine the says how he will take out Sabu.

Third Match: Red Thunder vs. Wavell Starr w/Mark DeCarlo

"bad News"Allen works on Starrs arm. Red thunder takes Starr for the ride when he is low-blowed. Starr gives Thunder some hard chops, and a stiff close line. Starr and Thunder brawl to the outside and to the back of the arena. Both men return back to the ring, Starr dose a sholder block from the top rope. Starr then dose a falkon arow(nice) and the follows with a frog splash. Starr the tries to do a top rope leg drop but misses. Red Thunder takes back control of the match. While the reff is being distracted Wavell Starr gets power out from the corner of the ring. Starr tries to use it on red Thunder but it backfires on him. Thunder roles up Wavell for the pin. The reff then reverses his disision thinking Thunder is the one that pulled out the powder. Winner:Wavell Starr

Eddie Mustang & Red Thunder interview

Eddie Mustang says how he will back up Red Thunder. Thunder then says how Starr is a cheat and a cone man.

Wavell Starr & Mark DeCarlo interview

Mark DeCarlo says how thunder is a cheat, and how he used the coakaine to win the match. Starr says Thunder is a hipicrit.

The 'Jolt of the Night-Scott D'Amour's fire mans carry into a powerslam pin.

Bad News Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

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