Stampede Wrestling April 8th 2000

First Match: Tiger Khan & Dick Raines vs. The Black Ninja & Jake Radcliff

Tiger Kahn works on Radcliff.Radcliff fires back with a sholder tackel from the top rope.Ninja is taged were he works on Kahn with mat moves and kicks.Ninja is then distracted by Rains were Kahn then delivers a super kick.Rains is taged in.RAins work on Ninja and exchange tages with Kahn goes for a nice corkscrew from the second rope,but misses.RAdcliff is taged back in,but Rains and Kahn do some illegal double teamingwhen the reff is not watching.Then Kahn finishes the match with a Calcuta Clutch.Winners: Kahn And Rains

In ring interview: Tiger Khan, Dick Raines, & Mark DeCarlo

Mark DeCarlo talks about Sabu going to wrestle in Stampede Wrestling on good Friday and the Day following.He also talks about Tiger Kahn going to Aisa to compete in a wrestling tournment.Dirty Dick Rains Says how he wants the British Mid heavy weight title from Principal Richard Pound.Kahn then says when he wins the tournment then he will be very wealthy.

Second Match: Rick Titan vs. William Yeats

Rick Titan and Yeates have a mercy contest were Yeats fingers are stomped on.Titan works on Yeates giving him a couple of submisions.Yeats fire back on Titan and works on his knee for a while.Yeates takes Rick Titan for the ride were Yeates gets caught with a big boot.Titan follows with a Razors Edge(splash mountian).

In ring interview: Rick Titan

Titan says how Pound keeps racking up his men,and how Titan knocks them down.

In ring interview: Rick Titan & Bad News Allen

A contract signing follows for Rick Titan VS. Principal Richard Pound.Bad news tells Titan he has to sign with a X since he never finished kindergartden.Titan is offended and is about t hit Bad News Allen.Titan is then atacked by Mrs.B and members of the honor role.

Mat Classic: Davey Boy Smith vs. Gama Singh

Davey Boy Smith gets worked on by great Gama.Gama works on Daveys sholders,then goes for his jaw.Gama takes Davey Boy for the rind were he rebounds back with a sunset flip,then a cross body block.Davey then hits a nice missel drop kick.Davey is then distracted by J.R Foley were Gama goes for his Cobra clutch and Davey boys hands drop three times.Winner Great Gama Singn

Greg Pawluk & Johnny Devine vs. Red Thunder & Wavell Starr

Wavell and Thunder work on Pawlukexchanging tags.Pawluk rebounds back with a back suplex.Devine is then taged in were he works on Wavell.Pawluk is taged back in were he is worked on again by Wavell and Thunder.Pawluk tries to rebound back wih righ hands,but Wavell taks him down and smashes his knee to the ring post.Wavell then goes for the indian death lock were Pawluk gives up.

Devine then comes in the ring were he works on both Wavell and Thunder.Devine then hits a nicce quabrada(spring board moonsult) on both men.Devine then goes back to work on Wavell were he dose a huricinrana and goes for a second but gets power bombed.Wevil goes for a frog splash but Pawluk hits him,leaving Wavell lowblowed on the second rope.Devine then dose a superplex from the top rope for the pin.

Thunder then enters the ring and pounds on Devine.Thunder and Wavell go for a double team back breaker were it's turned into a doubles neckbreaker by Devine.Pawluk i taged in and thunder goes t work on him.Thunder puts Pawluk in a indian death lock.Devine tries to break the move but he is caught by Wavell in the ring.Wavell throws Devine to middle of the top rope low blowing him,the reff catches the move and both Red Thunder and Wavell Starr are disqualified.Winners:Greg Pawluk and Johnny Devine

Ringside Interview: Red Thunder & Wavell Starr

Wavell Stars says Red Thunder needs to have more of a attitude in the ring.Thunder said if Wavell Star woul calm down they could of won the match.Thunder also says that he dosn't need to cheat to win a match..

Jolt of the Night: Rick Titans Razors Edge

Flight of the night:"Hot Shot"Johnny Devines cross body from the to rope

Mauro Ranallo and Bad News Allen end the show off.

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