Stampede Wrestling TV July,1/2000

Past interview with Hot Shot Johnny Devine: Devine makes fun of all the baby faces in Stampede Wrestling. He also makes fun of the promoters, the fans watching live, and all the fans in TV land.

William Yeats vs. Ralph Ruffy Silverstein

Yeats works on Ruffy with mat moves, and he also works on his arm. Ruffy fires back on Yeats with a rake to the eyes. Ralph Silverstein also gets a chain and uses it on Yeats, to choke him. Silverstein DDT's William Yeats but can't get the three count. Ruffy tries to go for a sholder tackle, but misses and hits the ring post. William Yeats takes control of the match, then he dose the northern lights suplex, and follows with a sling shot to the outside. Yeats brings Ruffy back in the ring were he dose a power slam into a gut buster (nice). Yeats attempts another move but, Ruffy knees him in the gut and dose a sit up slam. Ralph Silverstein goes to the top rope but is hit by Yeats. Yeas the holds the vertical suplex from th second rope, and then drops Ruffy (nice). Yeats then dose the final exam, and goes for the pin when he pushed by Rob Roy Scott, breaking the count. From there the match ends in a 15min draw. (good match).

Interview with Ruffy Silverstein: (interviewed by "Bad News" Allen)

Allen says the next time Ruffy and Yeats meet, it will determine who is the head master of the honor role.

Interview with William Yeats:Yeats says he dosn't want to get into the ring with Ruffy again. He then says that he dosn't care about the honor role, and now he has the fans.

Mr. Destiny vs. Apocolips

This match was bacically back to back most of the time. Mr. Destiny wins after Apocolips, attempts a powerbomb which was turned into a sun set flip for a three count.Winner: Mr. Destiny

Irish Red "O" Riordon vs. Jett Starr

Jett Starr over powers Irish Red "O" Riordon through out the hole match. Starr wins after a sludge hammer to the head.Winner: Jett Starr

Mat Clasic:Davey Boy Smith vs. Gama Singh Great Gama wins after a cobra clutch.

Jolt of the night: Ruffy Silverstein close lines William Yeats

Rob Roy Scott vs. Harry Smith

Harry Smith and Rob Roy Scott have a back to back match, until Rob Roy Scott dose a drop kick. He then follows with a sling shot turn over splash from the apron. Harry Smith dose fire back with a close line. Smith dose a fishermens suplex into a DDT. He then follows with a running DVD. Rob Roy Scott is taken for the ride when he runs into Ruffy in the corner. Harry Smith roles up Rob Roy Scott for the thre count.Winner: Harry Smith

"Bad News" Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

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