June,17/2000 Stampede Wrestling TV

First Match: Harry Smith vs. TJ Willson

Harry Smith and TJ Willson go back to back, until Smith hits a nice split leg moonsault. Willson fires back with a tilt a whirl back breaker. Willson also dose a spring board drop kick. TJ hits a nice inverted summer sault DDT from the top rope. Smith dose come back with a front slam falkon arrrow. Harry Smith then dose a fire mens carry into a face jam, to put away Willson for the three count. Great match. Winner: Harry Smith

Second Match: Irish Red "O" Riordon vs. Mr. Destiny

This was basically a match with regular mat moves. Mr. Destiny wins after a a roll up, grabbing Irish Red "O" Riordon tights. Winner Mr. Destiny

Third Match:Greg Pawluk & Johnny Devine vs. Dick Raines & Frank Enstein

This match had alot of back to back action, with both teams exchanging tags to one another. During this Match Frank Enstein face jams Devine outside of the ring busting him open. This Match was ended after All for men are brawling in the ring. Devine sends Frank Enstein outsind of the ring. Pawluk back body drop on Raines who land on top of Devine for the pin. New tag champions. Winners: Dick Raines & Frank Enstein

In ring intervew with: Greg Pawluk & Johnny Devine: Pawluk says how they should of held on to the belts, because the were pounding on their opponents. Devine is then about to talk on the mike when he hits Pawluk. Devine then hits Pawluk with a chair, who is busted open. Devine then gets on the mike and says he dose not no whats going on in Stampede Wrestling no more, and now he is playing by his rules.

In ring intervew with: Greg Pawluk:Pawluk says he wants a match with Devine.

Flight of the night:Johnny Devines missile drop kick.

Jolt of the night: Harry Smiths fire mens carry into a face jam

"Bad News" Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

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