Stampede Wrestling TV June,24/2000

"Crazy Horse" Eddie Mustang vs. Wavell Starr

Wavell Starr woks on Mustang with mat moves, and Chops, for a while. Starr dose a power bomp, falkon arrow, and also a frog splash. Wavell Starr attemps a cross body from the the third rope but Eddie Mustang turns it over for a three count. Winner: Eddie Mustang

Interview with Wavell Starr: Starr says he has a better attitude then Mustang, and also he is a better athleate. Starr then says how Mustang has to use illegal tactics to win.

William Yeats vs. Richard Pound vs. Ralph Ruff Silverstein

Pound and Ruff work on Yeats double teaming him, both men attempt to get the pin but can't. Yeats fires back on both men with a double close line. Yeats and Ruffy then double team on Richard Pound. William Yeats then turns on Ralph Silverstein and works on both men. Yeats is then about to Powerbomb Richard Pound when Rob Roy Scott helps Pound back body drop Yeats over the third rope. Since Yeats was thrown over the third rope the match was declared disqualification.

Interview with Richard Puond and Rob Roy Scott:Pound asks if Rob Roy Scott is with him. Scott says yes.

Sabu vs. Tiger Kahn

Sabu dose some mat moves on Kahn then he bounces of the rope and dose a nice tornado DDT. Sabu then follows with a sun set flip leg drop from the apron, for the two count. Sabu sends Kahn to the outside and follows up with a triple jump plancha. Sabu then sets up a table. He attempts to use it but Kahn hits him. Tiger Kahn then attempts to use the table, but Sabu hits the rope were Tiger Kahn is low blowed on the third buckle. Sabu then follows with a huricinrana from the top rope to the inside. Sabu dose a triple jump moonsault useing a chair. Sabu goes for one more triple jump moonsault but is triped by Kahn, leaving Sabu hitting the chair face first. Tiger Kahn then locks on the Calcuta clutch, but Mark DeCarlo hits Sabu with a chair , by accident. Later Sabu sets Khan onto a table outside of the ring, he goes for the top rope legdrop but misses and goes through the table. Back in the ring, Khan does a springboard 180 summersault senton but misses. Sabu gets another table and sets it up, Johnny Devine comes down to the ring and havok breaks loose. THe amtch is declared a double disqualification. Tiger Kahn throws Devine from the top rope onto a table which dosn't break. "Outch looked painful". Sabu then goes to the top rope and puts Devine through a table, with a leg drop. Johnny Devine is busted open, tons of blood. Pawluk also runs in and gets bull dogged through another table, which outside of the ring. A wild brawl ends of the show with with Kahn, Raines, Pawluk, and Sabu.

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