Stampede Wrestling TV June,3/2000

First Match: Vic Viper & Eric Freeze vs. Johnny Devine & Greg Pawluk

Johnny Devine and Greg Pawluk exchange tags, working on Vic Viper, with mat moves, kick and punches. Viper dose come back after low- blowing Pawluk, with a knee drop. The match is then back to back, and Devine and Pawluk do some double teaming on Freeze. Freeze also catches a second rope drop kick on Devine. Pawluk takes care of business after doing a huricinrana, on Freeze and Viper. Pawluk dose one more huricirana from the top rope on Viper. Later on Viper works on Greg Pawluk, who is struggling to get a tag. Devine illeagly come in and missil drop kick Viper, were Pawluk gets the roll up for the three count.Winner: Johnny Devine & Greg Pawluk

interview with: Johnny Devine & Greg Pawluk

Both men make fun of "bad News" Allen, then say how they are holding on to their titles.

Mat Clasic: Gene and Kelly Kininski defeated Mike Sharp & JR Foley after both men ran away.

Second MatchGreg Pawluk vs. Dick Raines (From the Harts Dungion)

Pawluk and Raines have a shoot fight, until Frank Enstein come in and takes out Pawluk. After the atack a big brawl breaks out with Enstein and Raines against Greg Pawluk.

Third Match: Red Thunder vs. Wavell Starr (No DQ's)

Red Thunder and Wavell Starr go back to back doing mat moves at a good pace. Thunder takes conrol of the match doing chops on Starr. Starr comes back after catching Thunder by the corner with a neck breaker. Starr dose a nice ginenteen legdrop of the apron , with Red Thunders neck on the bottom rope. Wavell Starr takes Thunder to the outside were he works on him some morehe then comes back in the ring were he attempts a frog splash but missess.Thunder comes back working on Wavells left leg. He then dose the sharpshooter, were then "bad News" Allen sprays something in the eyes of Thunder. Wavell Starr then dose the indian death lock on Thunder, useing the ring post. Starr refuses to let go. Eddie Mustang then comes to the aid of Red Thunder.This match was declared a no contest.

Interview with: Eddie Mustang

Mustang says that Red Thunder and Wavell Starr should have a indian strp match, to sole the problem with people jumping in the match.

Interview with: Wavell Starr Starr says when he came first to Satmpede Wrestling, he was listning to the wrong people. Wavell Starr then says how he dosn't fear Red Thunder, and he will have a indian strap match.

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