Stampede Wrestling TV May,13/2000

First match: Eric Freeze vs. "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine

Devine gets some shots in the begining but Freeze catches him with a second rope drop kick. Freeze works on Devine then takes care of him in the outside. When both men return to the ring Devine fires back with a drop kick. Devine then throws Freeze out of the ring and follows with a plancha. Back in the ring Devine punches the head of Eric Freeze in the corner, but Freeze catches him with an atomic drop. Freeze then takes Devine to the outside of the ring and dose an asia moonsault to the outside (Spring board moonsault to the outside). When both men are in the ring Devine catches Freeze with a second rope moonsault. Both men battle a bit more and devine dose a spring board moonsault. Devine eventually catches Freeze with the snake eyes for the pin. Winner:"Hot Shot" Johnny Devine

Interview with "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine:He says he lost to Sabu and theirs no shame in that. Devine then says he's going to turn it up a notch, and get a little more hardcore. Devine says his main priorety is to get the mid-heavy weight title.

Interview with "The Principal" Richard Pound (interviewed by "Bad News" Allen): Allen says Pound is getting a little soft because he has not been taking care of the Honor Role very much. Allen then says that Pound needs to punish his group. Richard Pound then says he will make Allen and Mrs.B proud by taking care of Rains.

"Crazy Horse" Eddie Mustang vs. William Yeats

Mustang dose a arm drag, and a flying elbow. Yeats comes back with a hard closeline, followed by a drop kick and a double under hook suplex. Yeats dose a nice exicuted standing vertical suplex on Mustang. yeats works on Mustang a bit more and dose a leg drop. After commercial break Mustang works on Yeats with chops followed by the "rock" n "roll" drop( running stunner )Mustang then dose some type of strange move, and is disqualified. The honor role then jumpes in the ring but mustang stunners them all. Winner: William Yeats

Interview with "Crazy Horse" Eddie Mustang (interviewed by "Bad News" Allen) : Allen says he wants all the money back from when he bailed Eddie Mustang out of jail. Mustang then talks about some rage in New York.

Mat clasic: Dynimite Kid vs. Bruce Hart

Dynimite Kid works on Bruce Hart with punches then goes for a package but he only gets a two count. Dynimte Kid then works on Bruce in the corner and follows with a nice suplex.Then match is then cut of and continued with Bruce doing a nice sun set flip. Dan Krofit runs in and him and Bruce hit Dynimite kid with a forign object for Bruce to then get the pin. Winner Bruce Hart

Interview with Bruce Hart:Bruce says he's always been an underdog, but that night he came through.

"Dirty "Dick Raines vs. Richard Pound (2/3 falls)

Raines throws Pound out of the ring and follows with a tope, he then returns to the ring working on Richard pound. Pound comes back eye goutching Raines. Pound then works on Raines legs. "the Principal" then throws Dick Raines out of the ring leaving the honor role to take care of him. When Raines returnes to the ring h is busted open bleeding on his forehead. Raines dose a hurucinrana, but is then close lined. Pound dose a running liger bomb followed by a pedegree.Raines comes back with a foot to the face. Richard Pound gets a sleeper hold but Raines turns it into a stunner for a pin.

Raines dose a vader bomb, and gets a two count. Pound then comes back with a boston crab,followed by an indian death lock. The second fall was cut of by commercial break.

Pound takes Raines for the ride were the reff is hit. Kahn gets in the ring trying to hit pound with a cane who ducks out of the way, and the cane hit Raines. Pound then goes for the pin, were he gets the three count. Winner: "The Principal"Richard Pound

Interview with Richard Pound:"Bad News" Allen and Mrs.B are proud of "The Principal" Richard Pound. Pound says he won the match for "Bad News", The Honor Role, and all of the Honor Rolls fans. He then demands for the national anthom.

Bad News Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

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