Stampede Wrestling TV May, 20/2000

First Match: Scott D'Amour vs. Vic Vipers w/Mark DeCarlo

Viper works on D'amour with suplexes and a submission on Scott D'Amour's leg. Scott fires back, in the corner, followed by a top rope closeline. Viper and D'Amour wrestle a bit more were , Vic Viper dose a DDT to D'Amour and gets a two count. Viper then works on D'Amour were he then dose a sit up power bomb., he goes for the count but only gets a two count. Vic Viper then tries to swing D'Amour to the corner but D'Amour reverses and dose a sky high powerbomb, he goes for the pin but Mark DeCarlo distracts the reff. D'Amour the dose the sharp shooter, and also dose a 360 front wheel kick, then a sit up fire mens carry, Mark DeCarlo this time distracts D'Amour who tries to go for the pin. D'Amour then sends Viper to the outside following with a sling shot. Both men then brawl outside of the ring were Viper catches D'Amour with a drop toe hold on a chair. Scott D'Amour is then counted out. Winner: Vic Viper

Interview with Rick Titan:He says he is going to crush Gary Gallant.

Second Match: Rick Titan vs. Gary Gallant w/Mark"The Shark" DeCarlo

Titan sends Gallant to th outside with a sholder block. Titan dose the STF submission on Gallant. Gary Gallant comes back, doing a drop toe holding on Titan who hits the second rope. Gallant and Titan then brawl to the outside several times. Back in the ring Titan dose a closeline then an exploding slam. Rick Titan then tries to do a powerbomb, were Mark DeCarlo hooks the leg of Titan causing him to fall and Gallant getting the pin. Winner: Gary Gallant

After commercial break Rick Titan has Mark DeCarlo in the STF submission. Gallant says if Titan lets go of the hold he will give him a rematch. Titan then let goes of the hold.

Mat Clasic: Bruce Hart vs. Dick Steinborn Bruce Hart defeats Steinborn by a package roll.

third Match: Tiger Kahn w/Mark DeCarlo vs. Greg Pawluk

Pawluk dose a huricinrana were Kahn is sent to the outside, Pawluk then follows with a tope. Pawluk dose a german suplex and some mat moves. Kahn then comes back after kicking Pawluk in the stomatch. Kahn dose a pump handel sit up slam for a two count. Pawluk comes back with a belly to belly suplex. Greg Pawluk then tries to do a move from the top rope, but Kahn counters wih a low-blow. Kahn then dose a mickinoku driver from the top rope. Tiger Kahn dose a sit up falkon arrow. Kahn tries to do a move from the top rope, but Pawluk drop kicks the rope, and dose a belly to belly from the top. After comercial break Greg Pawluk dose a head butt from the top rope. Pawluk then works on Kahn with some mat moves, but Kahn fires back, giving Pwaluk a back body drop to th outside. Dick Raines then DDT's Pawluk on a table. Kahn the puts Pawluk on the table, and dose a top rope elbow drop to the outside crashing on Pawluk and the table. Tiger Kahn then puts Pawluk back in the ring, and pins him for the three count. Winner: Tiger Kahn

Interview with Tiger Kahn: He says how he will win all the matches in Stampede Wrestling non- violentelt.

Flight of The Night:Thger Kahns elbow drop to the outside, crashing on Pawluk and the table.

"Bad News" Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

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