Stampede Wrestling TV May,27/2000

First Match: Harry Smith & Teddy Hart vs. TJ Willson & D. Dwight Davis

All four men start brawling inside of the ring. All the men then brawl to the outside, with both Harry Smith, and Teddy Hart doing baseball slides. Teddy Hart returns to the ring, doing a spring board elbow drop on Davis. Hart then works on Davis some more, and then dose a double team power bomb neck breaker with Smith on the top rope. Willson and Davis come back, working on Smith exchanging tags. All four men then wrestle, doing inivative mat moves. Teddy Hart delivers a shooting star press on Davis. Hart then pile drives Davis and dose one more shooting star press for the three count. Winners: Harry Smith & Teddy Hart

Mat Clasic- Bruce Hart vs. Dynimite Kid: Dynimite Kid wins by a back suplex.

Second Match: Richard Pound vs. Tiger Kahn (2/3 falls)

Kahn and pound do some basic mat moves. Pound sends Kahn to the outside were Ruffy nails Kahn with a chair. Kahn is busted open. When Kahn returns to the ring Pound works on him, then he dose a sleeper hold. Kahns hand drops three time to the mat, giving Richard Pound the first fall.

Pound dose some mat moves and submissions. He dose a full nelson and Kahn counters by running up the three ropes doing a back flip into a pin for the three count.

Kahn and Pound brawl outside the ring. Tiger Kahn hits Richard Pound with a cane, busting Pound wide open. Both men return to the ring wresting. Kanh then applies a cobra clutch, were at the same time Pound manages to low blow the reff. From there havok breaks loose. Kahn is disqualified because of Dick Raines run in.

In ring interview with Tiger Kahn and Richard Pound: Kahn challenges Puond to a hardcore match, and Richard Pound exepts. From there the Shark Tank and Honor Role start brawling.

Jolt of the night: Tedd Hart and Harry Smith doing a double team power bomb neck breaker with Smith on the top rope.

"Bad News" Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

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