Stampede Wrestling TV May,6/2000

First Match: Rick Titan/Black Ninja/The Cuban Assassian vs. Richard Pound/William Yeats/Ralph Silverstien

Rick Titan, Black Ninja and The Cuban Assassian exchange tags pumbling on Silverstein. Ruffy eventually gets the tag to Pound, Pound dose some work then tags Yeats. Yeats dose some power moves and then tags back Pound. Richard Pound then gets Ninja in a backbreaker possision were Yeats dose a elbow drop from the second rope. The Honor role exchange tags working on Ninja. Rick Titan finally gets the tag and works on Yeats. The Black Ninja and William Yeats then are back in the ring. Ninja then dose some kicks and mat moves. Yeats takes back cotrol of the match. Yeats then tags in Pound were both men exchange tags. Yeats the dose a nice running power slam in to a inverted running bulldog(what a move). Pound is then taged in were he dose a front head lock to Ninja. Ninja strugles to get the tag to Titan. The reff never sees the tag, and Yeats drop kicks Razor Rick Titan. Mean while Pound takes Ninja for the ride to the corner of the ring. Ninja is then low-blowed after being slided into the corner ring post. Pound then dose a belly to belly back suplex to pin Ninja for the three count. Good Match. Winners:The Honor Role

Interview with the Honor role & "Bad News" Allen: Bad News says that Ninja will be handed the pink slip. The honor role says how they have been training in the dojo. Yeats says how he almost decapitated Ninja. Pound also says how they will celibrate. Mark DeCarlo and Dirty Dick Rains then enter the ring. Rains challenges Pound for his title. Pound turns down Raines challenge.

Second match: Tiger Khan w/Mark DeCarlo vs. Greg Pawluk

Fast pace match. Pawluk works on Kahn throwing him against the ring post. Pawluk the dose some mat moves. Kahn then takes control of the match after Mark DeCarlo pulls the leg of Greg Pawluk. Kahn dose some chops and a nice T-bone suplex. Kahn dose a standing centon splash then chokes Pawluk. Kahn catches Pawluk with a nice super kick, and then he chocks Pawluk some more. Kahn also dose a nice over the head belly to belly suplex from the second rope. Pawluk dose come back and take control of the match, he runs up all three ropes and dose an inverted DDT, on Kahn. Later on Pawluk drop kicks Kahn of the apron to the outside(outch what a bump). Pawluk the dose a sling shot centon to the outside. Both men brawl outside the ring were they are counted out. When both men return to the ring Dirty Dick Raines then enters the ring. Kann and Rains try to atack Pawluk but he dose a double DDT. No Winner:Double disqualification

Third Match: "Hot Shot" Jhonny Devine vs. SABU w/Mark DeCarlo

Sabu and devine do some amature moves and holds. Sabu whips Devine into the turn buckel were he is caught by a spring board side kick, followed with a sling shot leg drop from the apron into the ring. Both men later go to the outside of the ring. Sabu starts to throw charis at Devines head(outch). Both men do some brawling befor they return to the ring. After a camel clutch by Sabu , Devine comes back then dose a spring board moonsault(quabrada). Devine then dose a drop kick from the top rope hitting Sabu, and sending him to the outside. Devine then dose a running sling shot centon to the outside(nice air time). Later on Sabu throws a chair into the ring, launching himself with a springboard to the outide on Devine. Both men come back in the ring, with Devine delivering punches to Sabu following a cross body from the top rope. Devine tries to go the the top again, but he is caught by Sabu doing a huricinrana. Sabu then sets up a table in the corner of the ring. He puts Devine face first against the table, were Sabu then launches himself with a flying side legdrop(awsome). Sabu goes for the top rope arabian face buster but misses. Devine gets the chair and nails Sabu's face with it. Devine then gets a table from the outside and sets it up in the ring. Devine then hits sabu's side with the chair and puts him on the table. Hot Shot goes to the top rope doing a summer sault centon through the table trying to hit Sabu who moves out of the way(outch,this was a pretty hard table). Sabu then sets up a chair doing a triple jump moonsault, and then follows with one more triple jump moonsault. Sabu then applies the camel clutch were Devine eventually gives up. WHAT A MATCH. Winner: SABU

Interview with "Bad News" Allen, Sabu and Mark DeCarlo:Allen said Devine put on a great display, he then says Sabu can have any Sharket he pleases. Mark "the Shark"DeCarlo then says Sabu will go for a tournament in Japan then return to Stampede Wrestling

Jolt of the Night:Devines Summersault centon through a table.

Bad News Allen and Mauro Ranallo end the show

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