WWF Wrestling in Alberta

WWF Wrestling in Alberta

This is a new section just added to the Alberta Pro Wrestling web site.More will be added to this section soon.The WWF matches lined up for Edmonton and Calgary are all the same, and just to clear the feild this is not a mistake.

Edmonton results from May, 28/2000 show

Al Snow vs. The Godfather-Winner: The Godfather after the elbow from the corner and the roll up.

Crash Holly vs. Light Heavyweight champion Dean Malenko-Winner: Dean Malenko by submission from the Texas Clover Leaf

Too Cool vs. T & A w/ Trish Stratus-Winner: T & A when Test hits Brian Christpher with a breif case.

Bradshaw vs. Bull Buchanan w/ Big Bossman-Winner: Bradshaw wins because Big Bossman run in, and Buchanan is disqualified.

Paul Bearer interview: He says how everyone has been asking him were Kane is. Paul Bearer explains that Kane was injured after Bull Buchanan and Big Bossman broke his arm. Bearer then says Kane no longer has a cast, and is ready for action.

Kane w/ Paul Bearer vs. Big Bossman w/ Bull Buchanan-Winner: Kane after a nice chock slam.

Triple H, Road Dogg & X-Pac w/ Tori vs. The Rock & Dudley Boyz-Winner: The Rock & Dudley Boyz after "The Rock" delivers the peoples elbow to Triple H.

European champion Eddie Guerrero w/ Chyna vs. Perry Saturn-Winner: Eddie Guerrero after Chyna low blows the reff, and Guerrero dose a huricanrana from the top rope.

Tag Champions Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz-Winner: Edge & Christian when Edge hits Matt Hardy with a title.

Kurt Angle vs. Rikishi-Winner: Rikishi after he delivers the Rikishi driver

Intercontinental champion Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho-Winner: Chris Benoit by headbunt from the top rope

Calgary results, from May, 27/2000 show

Bradshaw vs. Bull Buchanan-Winner: Bradshaw by DQ, after The Big Bossman, cranked Bradshaw, with his night skick.

Dean Malenko vs. Crash-Winner: Dean Malenko, by Texas Clover Leaf submission.

Edge and Christian vs. Too Cool vs.T&A-Winner: Edge and Christian

The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith vs. Steve Blackman-Winner: The British Bulldog who finished the match with his trademark running bodyslam.

Rikishi Phatu vs. Kurt Angle-Winner: Rikishi Phatu

Kane vs. Big Bossman-Winner: Kane who choke slammed Bull Buchanan and then the Bossman to take the match.

Eddie Guerrero w/ Chyna vs. Perry Saturn-Winner: Eddie Guerrero to retain his European title.

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho-Winner: Chris Benoit, by roll up.

Triple H, Road Dogg & X-Pac w/ Tori vs. The Rock & Dudley Boyz-Winner: The Rock & Dudley Boyz

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