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Dedicated with love to one who was a brief part of my body but an eternal part of my heart. May I never forget.

This page is in memory of my daughter Alexis who was taken from us suddenly on February 3rd 2000. Please read her story that is linked to below and share in my memory of a life cut short before it began. This page is in the process of being updated. Please bear with me as I work toward a finished product.

Thank you
Elizabeth, Lexie's Mommy

Medical Information

Grieving Information

Updates on My Recovery

Goodbye to my tiny angel, my Alexis. I love you.

Frozen in Time

As I sit in the evening
with a child's tousled head
nestled in my lap
I think of what is gone.
"Be grateful for those you have"
they say
and I am.
Yet there is an eternal gap
an empty spot on the wall.
I gaze distractedly at the figures
frozen in time.
The images of my family
smile happily out at me
and there is sadness.
I think about my memories
frozen in time.
The little things that
mean so much.

And I restlessly sleep.

I startle awake
before a new day breaks
to the awful sound
of an infant screaming
in fear.
As my heartbeat calms
and I remember the truth
the burning tears come.
I shake the dreams away,
dreams where a tiny baby
with deep blue eyes
cries "Mommy, please stop.
It hurts. Mommy, please make them stop.
I'm so afraid Mommy
I don't want to die."
And I cry with my child
who had life stolen
before she could start.
I can't tell which is harder;
the dreams of a dying child
or the realization that she is gone.
Or the staring at the wall
and seeing the gaps
where there will be no memories
frozen in time.

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Please do not use any images or text from this page. They were all lovingly created by me for my daughter.
© 2000, 2001 by Elizabeth.