At our very first slam @Main St. Tavern,
nine poets contended for the $50 prize.
They were (in order of first round):
Sabrina Jones
Alex Allen
Lori Hamilton
Cameron Taylor
Michael Harriot
Annika Bastian
Alexis Marinte
Jerri Hardesty
Clarke Stackhouse
Michael Harriot came in first place,
winning the $50 prize, and Jerri Hardesty
took second. Both poets are now qualified
for the February SlamOff where the 2018
BamaSlam Team will be forged.
We had a couple of first time slammers,
Sabrina Jones and Cameron Taylor.
They both did really well for their firsts.
The venue is very well suited for the slam,
with a large stage set well away from the bar
and kitchen.
We also were surprised by a few musicians
who expected the usual Friday night open
mic at the Main St. Tavern. This worked out
really well though, because at our previous
venue, Eclipse Coffee and Books, I tried for
the first few years to get the 'pickers on
the porch' to come inside and share during
our between-rounds-open-mic. They were too
shy to share with our crowds. But now, at the
Tavern we have the best of both worlds!
Moving forward, there will be a signup list for
the slam and a signup list for open mic.