This page contains sounds through out the seasons, but these are only spoken by one character, if you want conversations, go HERE

Please also keep in mind that there are some sounds which unfortunately are broken at present time, but will be fixed very soon!


Buffy – I think I speak for everyone here when I say huh?

Buffy – I moved on, to the living.

Buffy – I figured there were all things that vampires couldn’t do you know like work for the telephone company, or volunteer for the red cross, or …. have little vampires

Buffy – My buds are here, I love my buds.

Buffy – Yeah Xander was pretty much being a ………………. Willow! Where did you learn that word? My God, you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Buffy – yeah me, it doesn’t matter anyway, I mean when in the real world am I ever going to need chemistry or history or maths or the english language

Buffy – Do you know what its like to have a friend? ……. That wasn’t suppose to be a stumper.

Buffy – I may be dead, but I’m still pretty!

Buffy - You remember this? I took it from Faith, stuck it in her gut, just slid in her like she was butter, you wanna get it back from me? Dick!


Angel – I wanted to say goodbye first, you are the one thing in this dimension that I will miss.

Angel - It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank... Without passion, we'd be truly dead.

Angel – Danced with is a pretty lose term, mated with might be a little closer


Willow – tell me about it, the other night I dreamt that Xander… uh, it wasn’t Xander, in fact it wasn’t me it was a friend’s dream and she doesn’t remember it.

Willow – Say you all didn’t happen to do a bunch of drugs did ya?

Willow – I’m a bloodsucking fiend, look at my outfit!

Vamp Willow

Vamp Willow – You made me cranky!


Xander’s crash and burn sounds

Xander - For I am Xander king of cretins, may all lesser cretins bow before me

Xander – What am I going to do, I think about sex all the time, Sex, help, 4 times 5 is 30, 5 times 6 is 32, naked girls, naked women, naked Buffy, oh stop me!


Cordelia – no, now way, I wish us into bizarro land, and you guys are still together…………… I can not win.

Cordelia – Imbrace the pain, spank your inner moppet whatever.


Oz – it looks dead, it smells dead, yet it’s moving around! That’s interesting!


Giles – Well then lets do something, lets find the demon and kick the crap out of it.


Spike – Well this is just neat.

Spike – Hello Cutie

Spike – You were suppose to kill the bitch, not leave gag gifts in friends beds

Spike – I’m a bloody animal

Spike – I’m saying that spike had a little trip to the vet, and now he doesn’t chase the other puppies anymore! I can’t bite anything, I can’t even hit people!


Whistler – There are moments in your life that make you, that set the course of who your going to be, sometimes there little suttle moments, sometimes there not. I’ll show you what I mean.

Whistler - Bottom line is even if you see them coming; you’re not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really, but it does.

Whistler - So what are we helpless? Puppets? No, the big moments are going to come, you can’t help that, its what you do afterwards that counts, that’s when you find out who you are.


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