this #2-business.html - mini-bio + full resume with references
Donald B. Sanders
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Welcome To - MY WORKPLACE WebPage-Link
On this web-site you will discover something of: 'mini-bio', & 2.detailed work-place history = resume, with references.
1. 'MINI-BIO' OF MY LIFE: (includes workplace + personal + religion)
Click - Mini-Bio
farmer - bookkeeper - accountant - controller - night-school instructor - commercial realtor - aspiring gospel musician.
Click - 'My Business & Resume Page'. - my 'long-form resume' with some references:
This link will take you to my detailed resume, where you will discover - in some detail - some of the interesting achievements of my life.
As an 'Independent Accountant' - How may I serve you? Accounting? Income tax? Consulting?
At present: I am self-employed, part-time, as a Contract Accountant; serving individuals, small businesses & small charities, in the Calgary area;
with Bookkeeping, Accounting, Income Tax, General Consulting & Incorporation Services.
How may I serve you? Give me a call or e-mail soon.
Over the past 40+ years, I have been: From Farmer to Accountant to Controller in several different industries; plus
Night-School Instructor at a Regional College; as well as
Licensed Real Estate Consultant - Investment Properties, in both Canada & the U.S.A.
This link gives you the highlights of my life's work experience, starting with farming, as a youth.
My 'References' includes some quotes from employers, consultants, co-workers and clients.
As an Accountant & Businessman, for most of my adult life, with over 30 years of interesting, productive & varied experience, I am operating/ have operated as:
"Donald B. Sanders, Contract Accountant", or
"Donald B. Sanders, Public Accountant", or
"Texalta Business Consultants" (Registered trade name) from about 1980, in St. Albert and Calgary, Alberta
"Petrolia Accounting & Tax Service" (Registered trade name)(Edmonton - circa 1968); etc.
Some WorkPlace Trivia:
-:- A young Edmonton lawyer-client from 1963-1966 - went on to become the head of the 'Alberta Securities Commission';
-:- A Calgary Lawyer I worked with in politics - is now a Judge on the 'Court of Queen's Bench' here in Calgary;
-:- Fill Fraser - Canadian author, broadcaster, film-producer, etc, & recently as head of 'Vision Religious T.V.' - was a tax client circa 1969-70;
-:- I was in Dallas on real estate business in August 1977 - when Elvis Presley died; several years later I was driving along Elvis Presley Boulevard in Memphis, and was at his mansion;
-:- Once as I was boarding a plane in Memphis, on my way to Dallas - there was my realtor friend Howard from Dallas; he was returning from a business trip to Washington, D.C.; and I had just left my office in an old 30-story office building in Memphis, that Howard's partner in Dallas had appraised a few years before;
-:- A college instructor that I knew/ worked with/ at the College in Kamloops - went on to become an M.P. in Ottawa;
-:- During the 1970's, I took many 'income tax seminars' with Henry Zimmer, C.A.; and he later developed some of the best income tax software that I have ever used 'CanTax'. When Zimmer sold his software company to 'the big guys' - the software was never as good.
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This site was last updated on 2004-12-03.