Donald B. Sanders
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Welcome To Sub-page #3 - My Auto-biography
On this web-site you will find links to some auto-biography (then and now) & info on my now-adult children/ with pictures.
So - come along with me - on the journey of my previous life ....
3.a. My Early Life: Click here for my 'My Early Life' Page: = My Early Life On The Farm & In Small-town Alberta.
This is a brief, factual, story of how things used to be, when I was a young boy - 50+ years ago on the farm, circa 1950, in rural Alberta.
Writing this brought back many memories! Times have changed so much, just in my generation. This page will be revised from time to time,
as more memories surface. I also hope to add pictures, and an index to make it more easy to follow.
3.b. Back To My Roots - A joyful trip back to Irma, in January 1997, to re-connect with evangelical friends from my youth,
that I had not seen for over 35 years (since June 1961, to be exact),
- and also to see my Dad in the nursing home, where he was in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease.
I played my accordion for Dad in his wheelchair - I played Gospel Music 'from the fifties'; and he wept as I talked to him about Jesus.
Click here for 'Back To My Roots'
3.c. My Dad - Wilfred Charles Sanders - passed away in Wainwright, Alberta, in February 1999, at the age of 90+.
He had gotten pheumonia, and this eventially took his life. So now Dad is in heaven, with Jesus. No more infirmity!
Click here for 'My Eulogy at Dad's Funeral'.
3.d. My Family: Here is basic info on my 3 'Kids' (all now in their '30's & I am proud of them all;) + 1 grand-daughter:
-:- 1. son Kimbyrly Kenton ("Kim") Sanders, born March 18, 1967, who is single and lives in Calgary;
-:- 2. son Carlin Corey Sanders, born December 15, 1968; married on June 2, 1992 to Lorraine, & they
have a daughter Natalie, born October 31, 1999, and live in Edmonton; and
-:- 3. daughter Shaunna Michaelle (Sanders) Link, born October 6, 1972; married on July 7, 2001 to Lane Link,
& they live in Billings, Montana.
Here is a WebPage of recent pictures of me and my 3 kids & grand-daughter:
Click - Don & his 3 adult 'kids'.
< NOTE: This 'piture-page-file' may not come up or display properly on a 'Mozilla Firefox' browser. >
Go to Section 1.c for good pictures.
3.e. Recent events in my life - - 2003 & 2004
3.e.1. - In the fall of 2003, I finally bought an ELECTRONIC ACCORDION, which I have wanted for many years.
This one was advertised in 'The Bargain Finder' in September 2003.
Anyway, my friend, Bert, and I drove out to Drumheller (about an hours drive) on a Sunday afternoon, for me to demo it.
It sounded very good (even with my small 'guitar amp'), so I paid for it on the spot, and brought it home.
It is an older model (not 'midi'), but what an interesting sounding instrument! When hooked up to a box of electronic gear (called a 'generator'), and an amplifier or sound system -
this one accordion can sound like an orchestra of 20 instruments, including strong bass, vibrato and a tamborine!
This will certainly speed-up plans for my travelling 'Gospel Music & Ministry' as 'Minstrel4Him'.
I am now in the process of putting together a small, travelling sound system, with a small mixer (12-channel), and a 'headset, wireless voice mic', so then I will have a complete system, and I will also be able to include others in my 'gigs'.
Pic#5: Click here - my ZeroSette Electronic Accordion!
3.e.2. - On June 16, 2003, I had a cataract removed from my left eye. The procedure was painless and nearly 100% successful; it took about 20 minutes, and immediately I had most of the vision restored in that eye. In fact, I was feeling so jubilant, that I even drove myself home from the operating room, about 2-3 hours after the surgery! Six weeks later, I had the left lense in my glasses replaced, from a very strong lense, to a very weak lense, to give me perfect vision again. Even without the new glasses, I can see well enough with my left eye again, that I could drive a car safely. (Even with a strong lense, I had been about 99% blind (in my left eye) by the cataract, for nearly 2 years.)
This result was 'Plan B' - in that I still need some correction for my left eye. But then again, I prefer glasses over contact lenses anyway (see: 'Plan A' next).
'Plan A' - was that - with ideal/ perfect surgery - my vision would be 20-20, even without glasses, so that I would have been fitted with a contact lense in my right eye,
thus enabling me to discard my glasses, which have lived with me for some 47 years, since I was 12 years old.
Picture 4 - Click here - age 59 - MY NEW LOOK!
3.e.3. - During the spring of 2003, there was so much stress in my life (in my work situation) that I had a series of 'mini-strokes', over a period of about 2 months, which required minor medical attention.
Fortunately - through some minor life-style changes, better diet, and much prayer - I had no obvious lasting impediments;
but it took 6 months to get a 'ct-scan'/ that is, to 'get my head checked out' -
and I do perceive that my attention span may be shorter, and my brain may not be functioning quite 100% (IF it ever was!!)
* BUT on 2004 July 25, I had a bigger stroke, which has left some lingering after-effects and some weakness;
but, hey, I can still play my accordion!! And, interesting enough -
I have totally re-organized, updated and expanded my web-sites since July 2004, making them more relevant, more meaningful, and easier to follow.
3.e.4. - My Purpose in Life is: 'Serving God by Serving People' and 'Making Melody for HIM Wherever I Go!'
'Combining business with pleasure' is not often achieved in life,
but for me, there is/ was?/ an interesting development taking place in my life (since June 2002)
as I am/ was/ seriously, and very actively, involved with the start-up of
A.G.M.A. - The 'Alberta Gospel Music Association', where I have had the opportunity to make new, like-minded friends,
as well as bring together several of the most important areas of my life:
(a) my 30+ years of 'interesting and varied business experience', with
(b) my keen interest in 'gospel music, ministry and song-writing', along with
(c) my very deliberate dedication to 'inter-denominational Christian fellowship'.
Click here for the official A.G.M.A. website, which I am developing, along with input from my colleagues.
At A.G.M.A. - I was: a founding member, Secretary-Treasurer, and Webmaster.
***. A.G.M.A. - NOTE: For personal reasons, I have not been involved with AGMA since mid-2003,
although I still have the web-site (which I am slowly up-dating), and I may get involved again in the future.
With the right format and unity of board, AGMA could be a good thing. I haven't totally given up on it.
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This site was last updated on 2006-05-09.