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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Welcome To My 'Doctrine 4 Me' Page

On this web-site we will look at some doctrinal issues which are raised in the New Testament,
some of which are quite controversial among many 'believers' today.

God is alive and well - and HE is very active all over the world today - in many denominations and also in many churches that are 'without denomintional affiliation'.
1. Miracles and divine healing - Miracle crusades with well-known evangelists (like Benny Hinn) bring many souls into the Kingdom, and also show God's power at work throughout the world today, as in the 'Book of Acts'. For example, I believe that God is blessing Benny Hinn's ministry, because Benny is quick - consistently and repeatedly - with 'giving God the glory'. Jesus himself said - 'After I go to my Father, you will do greater works than I have done here.' Witness the 'miracle crusades' of Benny Hinn in India and the Philippines, in January and February 2005 (since the December 2004 tsunami in south Asia). These mass crusades were 'Moves of God', to be sure; and widely denounced by Hindus, Muslims, and other agnostics. (This subject matter is further discussed in 'Moves of God' next.)
2.a. 'Moves of God' - Charismatic - During the past 100 years or so, since the 'pentecostal' revivals of Azusa Street and others of similar times and different places - there have been numerous 'moves of the Holy Spirit' all around the world. Some of these 'moves' have originated in 'evangelical' circles; some in Roman Catholic ministries; some in 'pentecostal/ charismatic' ministries. I have been priveleged to meet some great Christian leaders of this ilk - T.L. & Daisy Osborne, Charles & Frances Hunter, Len Lindstrom, John Arnott, Bill Prankard, and many others. In some instances, folks are expelled from 'denominations of man' that do not understand the 'moving of the Holy Spirit'. ('Charismatic' means 'of the Holy Spirit'.)
2.b. 'Moves of God' - non-charismatic - as in 'evangelistic crusades' by evangelists like the 'Billy Graham and his team, the Sutera Twins, and many others - where the Holy Spirit moves in abundance to bring many thousands of souls into His Kingdom, but without the 'manifestation of power' in the 'charismatic' sense, but in power, nevertheless.
3. Speaking in tongues - The apostle Paul said, among other things: 'Forbid not to speak in tongues'; and again: 'I speak in tongues more than you all'. When I left the 'church with no name' (a.k.a. the 2x2's) I was blessed to be led of God into 'the Charismatic Renewal' - where healings, miracles, speaking in tongues, etc were common-place. I immediately knew that all of these things are scriptural - and are intended for all believers in this 'age of grace', that is, from the days of New Testament church until the rapture, when Christ comes for His children. As for myself, I received this 'gift of God' in the summer of 1986 - and since then - speaking in tongues has been a very important part of my communication with God - I sing in tongues, I pray in tongues, I talk to God in tongues, as friend to Friend. Often when I converse to God in tongues, HE replies to me in English, with confirmation, with new inspiration, with instant joy and laughter, etc.
4. Works - Works alone do not get us into heaven; but also - Faith without works is dead. Once we become Christians, we must 'be about our father's business', and this is different for each one of us.
5. Faith - 'Without faith it is impossible to please God.' and also: 'According to your faith, be it unto you.' and again: "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Be cast into the sea' and it will be done unto you." What then of the 'Word Faith' movement? I firmly believe that many 'fine gospel churches' do not preach enough about 'the power and practice of our faith'. We must also seek God's will as it pertains to our situation, and not just use 'name it and cliam it' type of positive statements for our own personal gratification. Sometimes, men and women of God are forced out their denomination, in order for them to freely practice faith, as God calls them to do.
6. 'Criticism, opinion and judgement', or 'dscernment'? - Many believers (denominational and otherwise) are quick to denounce preachers of other churches, instead of following Christ's instruction to 'judge no man'. Some wellknown evangelical scholars (Hank Hanagraff is an example) are 'judgemental' and not descerning of 'true moves of God', that is to say: they do not accept many things that are not according to their own limited mindset, or that are not according to their own theological preference. The end result is that doctrinal differences are magnified, and Christianity is brought into division among believers, and into disrepute among unbelievers.
7. The Holy Ghost - 1. HE is part of the Holy Trinity. 2. He comes to dwell within us as 'the Comforter' when we receive Christ by faith as our Savior and Lord. 3. He will also come into our lives 'with power' - IF and WHEN we invite Him to do so. 4. Ordinary believers can 'do the works of Jesus' - including healings and miracles, when we are 'endued with power form on high', as in the Book of Acts.
8. Love - has many connotations - here are 2 that come to my mind: 'unconditional love' and 'tough love'. To my thinking 'unconditional love' has much to do with 'mercy and grace', while 'tough love' has much to do with 'judgement' and 'better than-thou'. I believe that the former is under-utilized by believers today; and that the latter is 'way too much over-used'. {Some folks use the term 'just suck it up' (calling it 'tough love') instead of applying some mercy to the situation. Like 'If I can do it, then you can do it too'. Wrong. Dead wrong. Stinks of 'self-righteousness', in my humble opinion.}
9. Lovingkindness - is a term that many/ most Christians give only lip-service to. It combines of the attributes of two destinct, but related, words: loving + kindness. Another rendition is: ' be kindly affectionate one to another'. This is equal to: kindness + affection. Sounds pretty good to me. Sounds like 'fruit of the spirit'. We all ned it in our live - both the giving and the receiving of it.
10. Charity - begins at home, that is, in God's house, with God's people. The early church was known 'by its love for one another'. In Acts 1-4, 'they had all things in common'; meaning that they all helped each other; etc. they did not rely on the government to help their poor. And they did not despise the poor.
10. Saints - the Bible clearly teaches that 'anyone and everyone' who is 'born-again, a true believer', IS also a 'saint' in the eyes of God. A Living Saint, a son of God, a co-heir with Jesus, a priest before God, with full rights to 'come into the holiest of holies' to commune with God, with boldness, and without fear. Hallelujah! This makes mockery of the doctrine of the Roman Catholic church, whereby the Pope of Rome can claim to 'make saints' of a deceased Catholic person .
11. Church Membership - I have 'a thing' against 'signed-up church membership:
1. When we are 'saved' we become 'children of God' and HE does not require our signature on a paper. We accept HIM by faith, and HE accepts us by HIS grace.
2. Many churches have a 'dual system', or to put it another way 'a class system' or a 'caste system'; viz: 'Sign here on this membdership form, and we will give you special privileges'. (The implication is: If you do not sign here, you are less of a person in our sight'.)
3. This system also gives more control to the church leaders, and they probably expect to collect more money, also.
4. I believe that 'formal, signed membership' in a church goes against God's desire for a 'United church'.
Thanks for listening to my rant, and God bless you.

This web-page will grow periodically, as I find new items that I find interesting and/or controversial.

Regarding 'Moves of God' as in #1 & #2 above - I intend to soon add a whole new page on "'Moves of God' - Evangelistic and Charismatic - all for God's glory and the salvation of souls". It will be an interesting page to put together.

May God bless you - more than you could ever imagine!! Have a wonderful day.
This 'segment' was added on 2005-04-12. Latest revision - 2005-04-23.
And it will always be - continuously - 'under construction', as it were.

You can contact me - the webmaster - at: ''

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Hey there - am I getting fancy, or what? I am getting into rainbows, yet. Lookkeeee here -