Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Welcome To 'These Are My Friends' Page
On this web-site I will introduce you to some of my friends many of whom would be rejected by many self-righteous tyes.
Some of these folks had backgrounds which are quite controversial among most 'believers' today.
But, Hallelujah! God is alive and well - and HE is very active in the world today - bringing men and women into HIS fold, from darkness into the light of the gospel. Therefore, I present to a wide range of individuals, all of whome I am proud to be their friend, as a member of God's family.
Welcome To 'These Are My Friends' Page. Not listed in any particular order - just written as they come to my mind. Everyone is 'anonymous' here, to protect their identity from unscrupulous persons. But, trust me - I could put names to all, and furthermore, I could probably tell you the exact circumstances where we met.
1. Former 'male stripper' - now a fervent Christian, family man, and very involved with his church, with ushering, etc.
2. Former 'female stripper' - this young lady is now sold-out for Jesus, and appreciates 'the grace of God'.
3. Former 'Rock-n-Roll' musician - now a minister of the gospel, in an evangelical church. (I have met at least fellows that come to my mind in this category).
4. Former 'tough guy' - once arrested on charges of man-slaughter, now 'born-again' and a pastor in a fine goepel church, where he is helping folks to over-come addictions. This guy understands 'unconditional love' - he practices it everyday, in a very meaningful way.
5. Former 'hooker' - this fine Christian lady now holds a respected position in a growing local evangelical church.
6. From the 'Jesus movement' of the 1960-70's - several men and ladies who are still walking with the Lord today.
7. Four Brothers - born and raised in Alberta, are all pastors today, because they had Christian parents who dedicated their little children to the Lord, for HIS service.
8. Former 'Muslim leader' - who is now on fire for God Almighty, Jehovah, in a Charismatic church; he is a very powerful voice for God, and ministers in the power and the unction of the Holy Spirit.
9. Former 'pimp' - Wow! does this one actually qualify as God's kid? You bet he does. I have known him for nearly 20 years; he is happily married to a godly lady; and he is well-respected in his church and in other christian ministries.
10. Meet my friend 'Carl' - he had many drug-related offences tagged to his name in the R.C.M.P. computer files. But after he met the Savior, he went directly to the R.C.M.P. headquarters, to 'face the music' as it were. When the cops realized that this young man was now a 'clean and changed man', they erased the computer clean, and Carl walked out a free man, with total forgiveness from 'the system'. You should have seen his face, as I did, when we met later that day! His face was positively glowing, and he was jumping and shouting for joy. Hallelujah! I was glad to be his room-mate on that week-end trip to Banff with a church organization.
11. In jail for 'business fraud' - When I met him, he was a reformed man - also a loving husband, a church elder and Sunday School teacher.
12. Next up - there will be many more.
This web-page will grow periodically, as I meet or remember
Christian friends that some of you might find interesting and/or controversial.
May God bless you - more than you could ever imagine!! Have a wonderful day.
This 'segment' was added on 2005-04-19.
And it will always be - continuously - 'under construction', as it were.
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Hey there - am I getting fancy, or what? I am getting into rainbows, yet. Lookkeeee here -