#7 - Christian Links
Donald B. Sanders
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
INTRODUCTION: - The internet is very good, for 'soul food' like this - 24/7/365:
On this page, you will find some interesting - and quite diverse - links to:
Doctrine, Ministries, Music Groups & more ...
links to ministries that have been a blessing to me and millions of other believers in this country and around the world.
There are many more sites that I will be adding on this page ... Evangelical ... Charismatic/ Pentecostal ... Revival & Renewal ...
I am quite deliberately an 'Inter-denominational' + 'Un-denominational' Christian . I am also very much of the 'Charismatic/ Renewal' persuasion, and
I also believe that God's plan for religion today is expressed in 'The Book of Acts' a.k.a. 'The Life of The Early Church'.
This page will reflect and confirm my firm belief that - God's Plan is for harmony in the diversity of those who love Jesus ... so then
these sites are a smorgasbord of good soul-food. There are many good meals here.
or like a symphony or mass choir, with each instrument or voice in delightful harmony.
And this page will be also like a very interesting journey, to many different and unique places.
Some of these ministry sites may even be thought-provoking. They may 'challenge your theology'. This is as I intend it to be.
Be blessed of God - as you explore what God is doing around the world today.
These sites are purposefully listed in a 'mixed' order.
And of course - 'most of the best' is totally missed & ignored by main-stream media. And scoffed at by many.
'Twas ever thus. Hallelujah!
* NEW - 2005-01-19
Wagner Leadership Institute: Inter-denominational Christian Leadership Training, and many of you readers will know some of the fine Christian leaders who are on the 'WLI Faculty'. Once at the website, click on WLI Faculty to see the list - dozens of men and ladies. Some of these mentors are from Calgary, or Alberta and other parts of Canada, and some are from the U.S.A. I have been privileged to meet or know several of them. The list includes: Kenn Gill, Len Zoeteman, Phil Nordin, Mell Mullen, John Arnott, Dick Dewert, Dale Lang, Dutch Sheets, Dale Galloway and dozens of others.
* NEW - 2005-01-18
John Raymer today: Peace Tower Church - Ottawa, Ont - was started 2004-07-01. Under the leadership of Pastors John and Christine Raymer, Peace Tower Church has a vision to
transform the city, impact the nation and reach the world! John Raymer is a dynamic renewal pastor/evangelist, whose charismatic preaching and renewal ministry is changing lives wherever he goes....
You can listen live to John's latest messages - by clicking this link, and then pressing the 'message' button. (I met John at First Assemby in Calgary a few years ago, along with Ken Gill, where I heard them many times. Since I found his new web-site on 2005 Jan 18, I can now listen to John any time I want. He will bless you too, as you listen.)(Check 'Google' for more on 'John Raymer'.)
* NEW - 2005-01-18
* Ken Gill today, (formerly of 'First Assembly' in Calgary) and now from Living Way Church just north of Oliver, B.C., and also a mentor in the Wagner Leadership Institute Canada: find Kenn Gill here one of the mentors in the 'Wagner Leadership' program and click on 'WLI Faculty' button. (Check 'Google' for more on 'Kenn Giill'.)
* Dave Lagore today: Rev. Dave Lagore was the senior pastor at Calgary Christian Centre when I first went there in August 1986
- his ministry changed my life - and was my entry-point, as a joyful & fervent participant - into the 'Charismatic renewal'.
Pastor Dave was a leader in Canada for the 'Charismatic Renewal' during the 1970's and 1980's, and
he brought many renewl-minded pastors, evangelists, preachers, teachers and prophets to Calgary.
I am pleased to add this link to - Way of Life Christian Center, Anaheim CA. - where Dave is the senior pastor.
* Len Lindstrom - World Harvest Ministries: Here is a wonderful example of a ministry - operating from Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada - which is touching the world with evangelism, healing and miracles - experiencing a powerful move of God, wherever they have gone, to over 100 countries around the world during the past 25 years. I first heard Len Lindstrom in a 'big tent' crusade in Calgary in June 1992. He is has been in Calgary several times since. You will be stimulated and blessed as Len gives his personal testimony - he was an alcoholic as a teenager and survived a horrible car crash - but God got ahold of him, and since then he has preached in many countries, and wherever Len goes, GOD does miracles.
* The 'Charisma Magazine' group: - for the latest/ best/ most up-to-date in Christian/
Charismatic/ Pentecostal information, magazines, news, articles & more -
How the Holy Ghost is moving wondrously around the world today, just as in 'The Book of Acts'.
* 'Christianity Today Magazine': - this is a very good site for 'inter-denominational, evangelical' Christian living - books, teaching, magazines, etc.
* 'Good News Broadcasting Association (GNBA)': - Also known as 'Back-to-the-Bible': very good
mainstream evangelical Christian radio, in many countries, world-wide
(and which I have personally listened to for nearly 50 years!)
* Bill Prankard Evangelistic Association: - Canadian Charismatic Evangelist
Bill Prankard has a marvelous ministry to the Natives of northern Canada and he also travels to
northern Siberia in an old converted army tank, to reach the forgotten people in Arctic Russia.
Bill Prankard is also a friend of '100 Huntley Street t.v'., 'The Miracle Channel' and 'John Arnott'.
I have been privileged to hear Bill Prankard at First Assembly in Calgary, several times.
* Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship: - Pastor John Arnott - Toronto church that is Blessing the world with revival and renewal.
* In 1996, I had the exciting privilege of ministering to folks during the altar ministry at First Assembly Church, when
John Arnott was here in Calgary. The church was packed, the altars were packed, and the Holy Spirit was moving wonderfully.
The meeting started at 7:00 p.m., and when I left around midnight, folks were still being blessed.
This link really is: "http://www.banner.org.uk/links/other-revive.html/" but it does not want to work when you click on 'THE REVIVAL'.
So just copy it into your browser and it should work.
* THE REVIVAL: Here are many links to various sites that
deal with the Toronto Blessing, Brownsville/Pensacola, and other similar centres of revival and renewal all around the world.
As for myself, I am fully convinced, by personal experience, that this phenomenon in a bona fide revival.
This revival is unlike most previous revivals, in that, this time, the revival is occurring all over the world,
in many different denominations, churches and ministries.
Everyone who has an open mind is being renewed in their spirit and life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Many 'sour-pusses' are being set free - filled with true, uninhibited joy and laughter.
Even many hardened sceptics are 'seeing the light'. Several sceptics have sought out to discredit the 'movement',
but ended up being converted and writing books in defense of the 'Charismatic movement'.
I have - by joyful choice - entered whole-heartedly into the 'Charismatic Renewal/ Revival'.
It is also true - that the 'Charismatic Renewal' challenges the pre-conceived ideas of many faithful Christians.
However, it is equally true that - many folks, in many different denominations, are coming together 'under one roof'
- the roof of interdenominational fellowship in these last days, by the joy-filled ministry of the Holy Spirit.
* The Happy Hunters: The world-wide healing ministry of Charles & Frances Hunter, who are now both in their 80's.
At the end of September, 2004 - The Hunters held their largest-ever healing crusade, in the Houston Astrodome,
which brought together thousands of believers (and many skeptics) from all over the world.
The results were as expected - many healings and miracles, in the power of Jesus' name and prayers of faith.
During 1988 - 1990, I was richly blessed personally by being involved in the Hunter Healing program in a large Calgary charismatic church.
When I was at the Irma Alliance church in January 1997, the adult Bible teacher gave praises for The Happy Hunter's ministry.
Basically, The Hunters teach that 'every believer can heal the sick, according to Mark 16:18'.
When I pray for people, I pray in faith, believing that God will answer my prayer - and often the resluts are miraculous!
The Bible tells us 'Jesus healed all who came to him'. He also said: 'According to your faith be it unto you'.
(Jesus DID NOT say: 'Be healed IF it is God's will'. Sorry if this teaching offend anyone who reads this.
* 'Terry Law Ministries': I first met Terry Law at Calgary Christian Centre about 1988, and he has been in Calgary every few years since. During the 'Cold War', Terry Law and his Gospel Musical group 'Living Sound' made inroads into Communist Russia. Since then, Terry has worked fearlessly to ship Bibles into communist countries, and to help the disadvantaged peoples around the world. Be blessed as you explore his ministry today.
* Ever Increaing Faith: The undenominational Los Angeles faith-based ministry of Crenshaw Christian Centre, founded by
Rev. Fredrick K.C. Price, and influenced by Kennth Hagin of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Smith Wigglesworth, and others.
The 'FaithDome is a huge 'geo-disic-dome seating over 10,000, and the membership is currently at 18,000.
Price is a former 'Christian & Missionary Alliance' preacher, who 'wanted more' in his Christian life.
I have often been blessed by this t.v. ministry.
* C.B.N.:
- The Christian Broadcasting Network & The 700 Club - USA Christian Broadcasting
* T.B.N.:
- Trinity Broadcasting Network is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel.
TBN offers 24 hours of commercial-free inspirational programming that appeal to people in a
wide variety of Protestant, Catholic and Messianic Jewish denominations.
* William M. Branham: - Meet Brother William M. Branham -
Allow us to introduce you to A Prophet To The Gentiles.
Many have referred to William Branham as a Twentieth Century Prophet. Others have called him, A Man Sent From God.
T.L (Tommy Lee) & Daisy Osborne were one well-known charismatic/ evangelistic/ healing minstry that was greatly influended by Bro. Branham.
And in turn, the German evangelist Reinhard Bonnhke was greatly influenced by the ministry of T.L. & Daisy Osborne.
As I write this in December 2004, T.L.Osborne is still going strong but his wife passed away a few years ago.
* Billy Graham Evangelistic Assoc.: - Billy Graham and his evangelistic team have been blessing the world for over 50 years now.
- - During the 1950's I was personally blessed by attending a 'Leighton Ford Crusade' in Wainwright, Alberta, and
sang in the choir as a teenager, along with many others from our Alliance Church in Irma.
- - In 1999, I was blessed again, when the 'Franklin Graham Festival' came to Calgary.
This time, at 55, I was an usher in the Saddledome, when 70,000-some souls were blessed over a 4-day period.
(My first grandchild was born on Sunday afternoon, the last day of this crusade.)
* Hillsongs Australia : - some of the best in anointed worship music & charismatic teaching.
This site is for the large Pentecostal church in Australia.
* The Miracle Channel: - Charismatic Christian t.v. originating in Lethbridge, Alberta - Canada's first 24-hour Christian t.v. station. This ministry is an off-shoot of 'Victory Churches International', which also had its start in Lethbridge.
* Crossroads Television Systems: - National ministry outreach and producer of Christian television programming such as 100 Huntley Street,...
* 'Gaither Music': - Bill & Gloria Gaither & Friends: Music & Videos.
The best in 'Southern Gospel Music' for 20 years or so now, with many different groups.
They travel North America in a convoy of a dozen motor-coaches plus 3 or 4 big semi's full of music equipment & stage gear.
They really blessed me when they were here in Calgary in May 2004.
* Calgary City Wide HymnTyme: - Calgary's monthly 'Gospel Music sing-a-long'
- a mix of golden oldies + some of the best in local music talent/ groups.
- Held monthly, and held at different large churches in Calgary
- City Wide HymnTyme commences at 6:00 P.M. sharp and remember...
- Come Early to hear the HYMNTYME Band, beginning at 5:30.
- If you enjoy 'Bill Gaither & Friends', you will enjoy HymnTyme.
* 'Southen Gospel Music': - The best in 'Southen Gospel Music' today - Southern Gospel Artists, information & more links.
* 'Wycliffe Bible Translators': - 'Wycliffe Bible Translators, Canada', part of the diversified & world-wide Bible translation group.
* James Robison - Life Today: - Life Today with James Robison. Testimonials of triumph and strength in the Christian journey, world missions, the Christian TV Ministry.
* It's a New Day: - Daily inspiration is generated as hosts Betty and Willard Thiessen, Trinity Television, Winnipeg, talk with guests from around the world. (It's a New Day)
* Peter Youngren Presents - "Miracle Living": - With host Peter Youngren, From World Impact Ministries. (Peter Youngren Presents - "Miracle Living"). Peter Youngren - ... For the past 27 years, Peter Youngren has led evangelistic festivals throughout North America and in over 85 countries of the world. ... Senior Pastor of Word of Life Church, located in beautiful St. Catherines, Ontario.
* Focus On The Family: James Dobson - Focus On The Family - daily radio program, books & magazines
on issues that affect all families & ALL of us, whatever our status or station in life.
Canadian Council of Christian Charities: - this is the 'financial watchdog' for Christian Ministries & Registered Charities in Canada. Its purpose is to minister to, help and assist - Christian charities and the public by integrating spiritual concerns of ministry with practical aspects of management, stewardship and accountability. They clarify and interpret the 'mumbo-jumbo' of complex legal system; and they keep up-to-date with Canadian Income Tax law as to 'what is legal and what is not', insofar as 'receipting and financial matters aew concerned.
2005 January 05 - 'tsunami relief effort giving' Here is C.C.C.C.'s latest bulletin regarding 'Canadian federal government matching of donations' -
Relief Matching $$
* Here is the official website of the C&MA In Canada Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada. - My affiliation with this denomination goes back to the mid-1950's: - I attended a C&MA church as a youth, in a small church, in a small village of 350 souls; and now, 45 years later, I am again fellowshipping in a C&MA church, but in a large church, and in a city of 900,000+. But I am still just a country boy, now living in the city.
This page will be updated steadily, as I come across more sites that are interesting and insightful, and as I correct information that has changed cince I put it up, so keep coming back.
God bless YOU in your journey of 'purposefully-increasing-faith'.
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This site was last updated on 2005-01-29.