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Donald B. Sanders
My Heroes & Otherwise' Page
in Education, Politics & Business

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My Heroes - Education, Politics & Business

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Donald B. Sanders - My 'Heroes' Page

Here are a few of my Heroes in Education, Politics & Business

Alberta Teacher -:- Allen Ronaghan was one of my teachers in High & Jr Hi School, in the Village of Irma, Alberta, during the late '50's. He was one teacher who actually "taught us to think". While browsing the internet in October 2004, I put his name into a web-search engine, and was pleasantly surprised with the many good results which came out. Turns out that Mr. Allen Ronaghan is quite well-known in academic circles, and well-published. He was one of the best teachers that I ever had. He was humble, scholarly and witty. (see some of his wit on my 'chuckles' page)

Canada -:- Mr. Stockwell Day - former leader of the Canadian Alliance Party, and before that - an honorable member of the Alberta government, in Premier Klein's cabinet; - a fine Christian man of integrity, who was much maligned by the Canadian press and mocked - only because of his strong Christian testimony & high ethics - by that old evil, codger, man with no moral integrity, former P.M. Jean Cretin (deliberate mispelling by me). When all the fuss was over, Stockwell gladly and humbly (with no fanfare) became a loyal supporter of his new leader, which was more than 'Presto dog-in-the-manger' Manning ever was. As a Christian business leader, Mr. Day has shown far more integrity than his former boss Presto Manning, who was/ is/ a very sore loser. History is proving that Mr Day is continuously recognized - in both political and religious/ Christian circles - as being an astute and well-informed gentleman. 2005-01-29 - Just in - just heard Peter Warren interview Stockwell on nation-wide radio - Stockwell always speaks with confidence, wisdom and authority, on a wide variety of topics - and he also handles 'open-line radio' very well.

U.S.A. -:- President George W. Bush - I am thankful to God for G.W.B. - for his wisdom and his boldness in tough circumstances. He did the right thing, by invading both Afghanistan and Iraq. (As for the United Nations, it is definately 'mostly useless and ineffective'.)
- I am doubly thankful that G.W.B. has very strong moral values and a very strong Christian testimony, and that he is bold in trying to make America a more spiritual country, and the world a better & safer place.
- Nov 3,2004 @5p.m. - Hallelujah!! Thank you Jesus!! Because You have brought George W. bush back to the White House for another 4 years! and with bigger majorities in both the 'House' and the 'Senate'. This will allow Your laws to be strengthened in the great U.S.A.
- It is wonderful to see that the leader of America is bold in his Christian stance, and that 'his faith rules how he governs' (unlike some of our Canadian leaders, who claim to be 'religious' but show no evidence of it it political practice).
LATE-BREAKING NEWS - Thursday 2005-02-03-M.S.T. -
U.S.A. President Delivers Remarks at Annual National Prayer Breakfast this morning:
President George W. Bush's - Prayer breakfast remarks.
Praise God, for a President who is a strong Christian, who regularly attends and speaks at these functions,
and who also is promoting faith-based initiatives in his government!
(The differences between Canada's Paul Martin and and U.S.A. Pres. George W. Bush get more magnified day by day.)

Canadian Media -:- Fil Fraser is an interesting fellow. In 1968-70, when I was living in Edmonton, and doing accounting and income tax work from my home, I did Fil's personal income tax for several years, and I found him to be easy to work with, and to have interesting business accomplishments. I have followed his career through AADAC, Access TV and later as head of Vision Religious TV. I believe he had been involved with a small-town Saskatchewan newspaper and national t.v. before that. Anyway, in September 2004, I happened to be watching CBC TV, and there was this Canadian movie - "Hounds of Notre Dame", which had been filmed in southern Saskatchewan about 1984 (I think). I was amazed - quite astonished and delighted - when, after the movie, there was Fil Fraser and several of the principals of the movie, sitting around a table, and chatting - for over 1/2 an hour - about how 'they had produced, directed and acted in the movie'. Turns out that Fil was the 'producer'!! As I said - Fil is a fine & multi-talented fellow. I feel richer for having known him. He is a very talented yet humble guy.

Recently Deceased:
-:- Ronald Reagan was a lot like my Dad - a quiet, low-key Chrisian, who succumbed to Alzheimer's disease. For me, it was like a second funeral when Ronnie died in the spring of 2004. I grieved again for Dad.
-:- Dave Thomas, who founded 'Wendy's Restaurants'. A vibrant Christian businessman, with an honest reputation and a big smile. Gone to heaven at age 69 in January 2002. (By co-incidence, I also have a friend named 'Dave Thomas', an Alberta school teacher, and he is also of righteous character - and one of the best friends that I have ever had. This Dave you can find on 'My Christian Mentors' page.)

'Otherwise' - I have deleted these poor souls from this page - I realize that I should be praying for them instead.

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Last update = 2005-02-12.