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New Covenant Gospel

Music & Ministry

The Music & Ministry of: Donald B. Sanders

Snail-mail: # 126, 339-10 Ave S.E.,

Calgary, Alberta T2G 0W2 Canada

Voice-mail: (403) 228-9122 HAS BEEN CANCELLED; CellPhone: (403) 605-7724

E-mail: E-mail at '' IS BEST METHOD OF CONTACT.

By the way, the picture that you see here was taken about 1987, so it is a bit out-dated.
For an up-to-date picture, Click Here - DBS in 2004 - with his 'electronic accordion'.

WELCOME to 'New Covenant Gospel Music & Ministry', a.k.a. 'Minstrel4Him'.
We are becoming progressively more involved in an exciting adventure - Gospel Music, Ministry & Evangelism.
AT PRESENT, this is a part-time venture, as our main livelihood is in the business arena. This is slowly changing.

UP TO THE PRESENT TIME: As believers, we are all called to serve / to use our talents / in the local church, where we fellowship on a regular basis.
For me, this has included ushering, greeting people, prayer ministry, altar ministry, & other ministry privileges as opportunities arise.
Very often, the opportunities are of the 'on-the-spot' variety - a friendly smile, a handshake, a warm welcome, a quick prayer for someone.

Since July of 2002, I have enjoyed being responsible for operating the coffee room for 'Saturday Night Church', in the Alliance Church where I currently attend.
- This free 'coffee ministry' has endabled me to meet most of the folks who attend Saturday evenings, because most folks enjoy their coffee!!
- and it also has provided me with many opportunities to pray with people
- I often lay hands on them right there in the coffee room! - and they appreciate my spontanaity.
I am a 'PromiseKeeper', and I am also quite deliberately 'inter-denominational.
I am loyal to/ and very active in/ my home church - although I choose NOT to be a signed-up member;
But/ and/ I frequently visit other churches, and I have good friends in many different churches and denominations. I have also had the privilege of getting to know many different pastors and Christian leaders.
I have also enjoyed ministering in music & testimony in many different places - with accordion, keyboard & singing - ministering in churches, around campfires, on the streets of Calgary; and leading worship in home groups, etc.

Over the years, I have also been blessed with many opportunities to be involved with other ministries & crusades, including:
-:- Singing in the choir with the 'Leighton Ford Crusade' (a Billy Graham Associate) when they were in Wainwright in the 1950's;
-:- Inter-denominational/ multi-church fellowship through 'Youth For Christ' as a teen-ager.
-:- Serving on 'Healing Teams' in the Charles & Frances Hunter program, including supervising 'healing teams' in the Jubilee Auditorium;
-:- Ushering, Greeting, Prayer Ministry, etc, while serving with the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship in various cities in southern Alberta;
-:- Ushering with the Franklin Graham Festival '99 in Calgary, in the 19,000-seat Saddledome;
-:- Ushering with John Hagee Ministries about 1995 in Calgary;
-:- Altar Ministry with the John Arnott ministry team, in their Calgary Crusade in April 1996, at First Assembly;
-:- Ushering & Altar Ministry with Henry Hinn Ministries in their 1997 Calgary crusade at the Calgary Convention Centre;
-:- plus ushering in churches small and large since a youth.

MY BELIEFS: I am Born-again, Charismatic & Inter-denomnational, and here is a summary of my interpretation of Scripture as it applies to our lives until Jesus comes again:

Click here

I also believe that the '5-fold ministry' and 'healing & miracles' are with us and for us today, even as they were in 'The Book of Acts', for those who trust God in faith. God is moving all over the world today, even as in the days of Jesus and in 'Book of Acts', and the evidence is totally irrefutable, IF we open our eyes to see. And I am a part of it. It is for ALL BELIEVERS (Mark 16:15-20), not just the pastors and the evengelists. And we do not need Bible School to lay hands on people and expect miracles!! Hallelujah!!


Click here

Expect to be blessed by the Holy Spirit, when you 'come as a little child', expectantly. (not 'critically'.)

IN THE FUTURE: As opportunities arise, our ministry will be expanding in several basic areas:
-:- 1. We will be more involved with 'Itinerant Gospel Music Ministry & Evangelism' - travelling (alone and with others) within the Calgary region, throughout Alberta, & wherever we are called. God is uniquely preparing us in awesome ways - HE is calling on us to 'walk on water' (and I/we have been slow in learning to obey); HE is calling us, and HE is preparing us, to minister in Gospel Music & Personal Testimony; to invite others to respond to the Gospel Message & to the call of the Holy Spirit -:- for Salvation, for Healing, for Deliverance, for God to move in their lives in a deeper way -:- More, LORD; MORE!!
-:- 2. As the Holy Spirit leads, we are writing new Christian Songs - several dozen to date - new music & new lyrics - which we will soon be sharing with people & churches everywhere.
-:- 3. We are also in the process (slow-going!) of recording & computerizing HIS new music, as well as old favorites; the tapes & CDs will be available through this website, as they become available. Requests are coming in now.

Come with us, as we: <>{     

-:- PROCLAIM the Gospel of Jesus Christ -:- TESTIFY of God's Goodness and Grace
-:- Make Melody for THE KING OF KING's -:- with accordion, keyboard and singing.

This website will progress in the weeks & months to come, to include information such as:

1. More detail on some of the places where we have ministered over the years;
2. Information on our up-coming travel schedule, as we share God's goodness with others;
3. NOW HERE -:- The New Songs of Donald B. Sanders
Over the years I have written a number of new gospel songs (words & music).
Here I am starting to post, on my web-site, the lyrics to some of 'The Best of Donald'. Enjoy. Click = BestOfDonald
Some day, maybe I can minister to you, and then you can feel the emotion and hear the music, not just 'see' the words.
*** The songs that I write reveal much about 'my spiritual journey', and 'my belief system'. P.T.L.
= New Page - Dec 2004 & last revised on 2005-01-06.
4. Details of Tapes & CDs as they are being released, of songs old & new;
5. Sound bites of our music & our ministry; so you have an idea of our sound, and how we minister, etc;
6. Other items of interest in musical evangelism.

Please contact us anytime, for further information on our ministry, etc.
Our greatest joy is - Making Melody For HIM Wherever We Go!

Click here to go to my Business & Resume Homepage

Donald B. Sanders, Accountant & Businessman (formerly a.k.a. Texalta Business Consultants)
Here you will find some detail of my past 40+ years of farming & business experience.

Click here to go to my Main Homepage
Here you will find the Index and Summary of my whole web-site, which includes some Auto-biography, some Genealogy, my Christian testimony + my involvement with the 'Church With No Name', some Mentors In My Life, some Links to Ministries that have blessed me, and more.

Latest revision to this website: 2005-02-17.