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Mina Info

Name: Mina Aino

Birthday: October 22

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: B

School: Grass Valley Junior High

Least favorite Subject: Just about everything, especially English

Favorite Subject: Gym

Favorite Sport: Vollyball

Favorite Colors: Red and Yellow

Hobby: Celeb groupie

Favorite Foods: curry and ramen

Collects: Stuffed Animals

Skills: Sewing

Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms

Dislikes:Mom, studying, and COPS!

Transformations: Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Venus, Sailor V, and Mina Moon (Luna had me use Serena's transforming pen)

Attacks: Crescent Beam Smash, Crescent Beam Shower, Love Chain Encircle, Love and Beauty Shock

Crushs: Alan, my first love when I was fighting as Sailor V in England. And about any other cute guy

Pets: Artemis, my guardian cat

Lives With: Mom and Artemis