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             capa11.jpg (16722 bytes)                           seta1.jpg (3231 bytes)         The Funny Files


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Shipper Files


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The Movie


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Funny Files


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Real Life


Welcome o my path of funny stuff and nothing more but a relaxing x-files. Well, crazy stuff here, maybe too much for those who havenīt sticked on the show. But if youīre a fan (and a mean " a real" fan) itīll be only the beginning

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The Funny Files - Maybe The Governament have been covering up the truth about the B-Files


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The World Around The X-Files - You know how is the show is called on Brazil, Argentina or... on Italy??? Check here


seta3.jpg (3910 bytes)The Meanings - Guess what means Redux! Oh, you know the episode but donīt know the meaning? Letīs talk about it....

deathmatch.gif (9624 bytes) The X-Drawings - Hey baby, do you Know This people?

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Only For True Lovers - Can you imagine a person who make a site only for huh... extra-curricular-homework? This come from a site that can prove itīs true! i mean, if you are really an x-phile you must know how much Chris Cartes loves numbers, what that number, that name and tha... oh, "that lot of stuff" you never notice on the show really means here... after that e-mail me and

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Are You an X-Phile? - Well, check here one of those classic lists to test if youīre already al dente

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Only For True Lovers

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Are You an X-Phile?

capa47.jpg (19712 bytes)
Funny Files

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The World Around The X-Files

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The Meanings

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X-FIles Drowings