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Sherri Lynn Cote
December 16,1977 -- June 20,1997
Heart Disease

Sherri was born on Dec 16th 1977. That was one of the happiest days of my life. I already had 2 sons and I wanted a little girl so bad but my happiness soon turned to tears when I was told my baby had a heart disease. She did not have the wall that separated the chambers, among several other defects. Sherri had 3 operations by the time she was 11 years old. She was the light of my life. She was my best friend and she loved her mom unconditionally, just as I loved her.

One day, when Sherri was 19 years old, she felt dizzy while visiting a friend and soon passed out. By the time the rescue personnel got there she was not breathing. They rushed her to the hospital where they worked on her for an hour before they told my husband she was gone. I was on my way there, so now my husband had the horrible task of telling me that my baby was gone.

Sherri was such a happy girl, always smiling. I miss that smile so much. My heart aches for her every day. If only I could have gotten there sooner, maybe hearing my voice would have brought her back.

Sherri loved collecting angels and now she is an angel... my angel.

Sherri - Graduation Photo - 1995