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John Michael Gentry
November 18, 1970 -- November 5, 1998
Accidental Overdose of Prescription Medication

Johnny died of an accidental overdose of prescription medication. He had been given some medicine for a respiratory infection for his cough which had hydrochodone in it. The medication was not labeled wtih the chemical name, and he had no idea when he swallowed some hydrochodone pills that he was overdosing. He was very congested and could not rouse himself to clear his passageway. I found him dead in his room. I will remember him that way for the rest of my life. If only I had been there, but everybody has said there was nothing I could have done. Still, you think - If my child was in that much trouble, why wouldn't I feel it? Why wouldn't I just know it? What kind of mother am I? At any rate, that time of year is upon me again. Johnny loved the Fall, football games, making big pots of chili at home and just having a good time. I miss him so much. It seems like I should hear him upstairs cheering a big play when the football games are on.

Talented and Intelligent
Introspective and Sensitive