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What Pony is Right For You?

This is my horse Aladden, he is an Arabian ;o)

When you close your eyes and dream of the prefect pony, what do you see? A fuzzy, friendly pony? A clever, zippy Pony Club type? Or a sleek, spirited pony? Can't decide? My Pick a Perfect Pony Quiz will help you decide exactly what your dream pony will be like.

1) What would your dream pony be called?

a) Freddie

b) Domino

c) Mystique

2) What is your favorite horsey acticty?

a) Going on fun trail rides

b) Competing in equitation classes at a show

c) Galloping aroud a cross-country course

3) What would you buy your pony at a tack shop?

a) Yummy apple-flavored treats

b) A bright white saddle pad

c) New brushing boots for jummping

4) If your pony was a celebrity, who would he be?

a) Zac Hansen

b) Leonardo Dicaprio

c) Jonathon Taylor Thomas

5) When you turn your pony out in the field, what would be the first thing that he would do?

a) Put his head down to eat

b) Trot around with his tail in the air

c) Roll in the muddy puddle

6) What class would you and your pony enter in a show?

a) A pleasure class

b) An equitation class

c) A jumper class

7) Who is your favorite famous horse or pony?

a) Mist of Chincoteague

b) Gifted

c) Gem Twist

8) If your pony went to shcool with you, what would be his favorite class?

a) Lunchtime

b) History

c) P.E.

9) If you fell off of your dream pony, what would he do?

a) Put his head down and munch on grass

b) Gallop off to the barn at top speed

c) Stop and nudge you with his nose

10) What would make you proud of your pony?

a) That he never shies or acts silly

b) That he can do flying lead changes

c) That he will jump almost anything

11) What is your favorite breed?

a) Pony of Americas

b) Morgan

c) Connemara

Now count up all of your A's, B's, and C's and see what you have the most of

To meet your dream pony push next