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Rules/ Help

Hi, I am Amanda, Owner and founder of VVEC. I Have spent a very long time trying to improve and make VVEC. So if you think you may be interested in this game please read the rules befor joining. Yeah, I know a lot of rules arn't fun, so we only have a few basic rules:

*1st: NO bad language on any Message Board, email, or form in the game!!

**2nd: No name calling, gripping or rude comments to any other members. If another member is doing something you don't like report it to me.

***3rd: Any member can have as meny horses as they can support with there money amount. There is no LIMIT.

****4th: You can have as meny jobs as you can handle.

*****5th: YOu can only buy a farm, barn, land, after you have been in the game for a month. This is like this for three reasons, one becuase our members with farms need to make money. Two because lots of people will join buy lots of things and quit. Three because it lets a new member get used to the game without worrying about feed and a farm.

******6th: You have to buy feed, only, if you are not boarding. Boarders provide feed for your horses in their barns.

*******7th: Money: You must keep track of your bank balence. You start with $200,000. YOu must report your balence at least twice a month(around the 1st and 15th of each month). However you may report your current balence as often as you like. (Our bank teller is Amanda @ The more you send it in the more accurate it will be on the Bank page. You can not spend negative money. To buy something you write a (ciber, fake)check that looks like:
To:(who the check is to)
For:(what the check is for)
Amount:(how much you are paying)
Signed:(Your members name)

********8th: Any member who has been unactive for over a month will be removed from the game withough notification. Unless the member previously told me they would be gone.

*********9th: You must see the vet and farrier withen a week of joining. And see the vet every so often(time has yet to be decided, the humane society will decide soon.)

**********10th: Thats all the main rules, there are other rules that pertain to feed, breeding ect. That is in the help section. You only need to read those rules as you get to them. When are ready for a new activity that you think may have rules or limitations read the help section for it. THANKS!!

Now if you have read the 10 basic rules and would like to join go HERE

If you want to know more Keep reading. The bottem half of this page provides help with basics in the game.

Help and additional information

Your Horses will age....
the horses you start with or buy will age twice a year. The first of Jan. and the first of July.

You want to breed, huh....
OK, first of all the breeding rules:
1: while you mare is pregnant she can compete in shows for the first two months only after that you may if you want lightly excersize her but NO shows. And races are not included in Shows. A mare can not race at all from day of pregnancy to birth.
2: You can't breed geldings!!!
3: Your mare can have only one pregnancy per sim year.
4: A pregnancy lasts 5 months.

OK, now how to breed:

5: If you sale your mare during the pregnancy the foal also is sold. Unless you stipulate that the foal will return to you after birth. If you sale the foal please make sure the owner is changed on the foaling page.

6: And finally, A mare must be at least 3 befor breeding, but I would reconmend the mare is at least 4. You can breed any stallion over 3 as well.

Send Me the name and breed of the mare and stallion you wish to breed together. I will then put the breeding match on the foaling page. I recommend if you are going to breed in a sim year to do it at the begenning of the sim year. If you have further questions email me @

Been here a month and want a farm....

Well, first of all yes you have to have been here a month.
Second, you have to buy land to build a house, barn ect.
Then you can build as meny barns as you like, get as much land as you like and build more then one house. You can do anything you like on your land, well as long as you can find it on the real estate page, if not suggest something new, then check back in a few days.

So you've just bought a farm and you are worried about feed....
Well time to stop worrying. First of all feed as in life will go depending on how many horses you have. one bag of feed or one bale of hay will last about a week for one horse

2 bags or bales will last one week for 2 horses or 2 weeks for one horse and so one

Not sure of Messageboards?....
Well, our messageboard is for member use. The CHN auction board and the CHN for sales boards are for any member to use. You can post a message or sale on any CHN board as long as you follow the CHN Rules. Many farms have there own auction boards and ask that no one posts sales on them without asking. So if its not a CHN board read the rules on the board befor posting a sale. However, I doubt they would mind if you bid on their horses. :o) Often times by going to the seperate farms boards you can get good deals on really nice horses.

Worried about disasters?....

Well, good news, if you keep your pets and horses vetted and shod reguraly your horses won't even be eligable for disaters, unless there is no horses at risk, which is doubtful. So just keep your horses in good health and don't worry about the disasters. But do check the page at least once a month to make sure your OK.