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My Pictures & Online Photo Album

This is me

This is another picture of me.

Here is my school pic I finally uploaded ^_^

This is recent pic of me and I don't remember when it was taken LOL

This is a recent pic of me, last taken in May 2001 ^___^ [i'm on the right and Hazel is on the left]

This is the latest pic of me. Recently taken on Sept.8/01


This is my friend Dana who is from Cali.

(From left to right)Vanna (my lil sister), Me, Euan, Issy, Pamela, Vlad, and the one squating is Glen (my brother)



This would be my godfather, Benny Gapas. He passed away on Dec.14/00 =(

This is Babs, my rabbit =)

These are all my pictures, but i'll be adding more here soon don't worry, just as soon as I get more pictures.

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