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Obsessed by a fairy tale, we spend our lives searching for
a magic door and a lost kingdom of peace.
Eugene O'Neill


Sometimes you have to take the leap
and fear not the fall.
Sometimes you just have to react when
your heart hears the call.

Sometimes the struggle doesn't seem
worth all the pain.
Sometimes you find you lose more than you
thought you would have gained.

Sometimes life plays cruel jokes
expecting you to laugh
Sometimes you have to pay the piper
and choose another path.

And sometimes you find that what you've
been searching for.
Sometimes it was never lost at all but waiting
just outside your door.

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The main graphic for this page was created by MaNae and used with his permission. You can see more of his wonderful work here.

The song you are listening to is Breathless by Bruce DeBoer. You can hear more of his original compositions here.