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"A love song is just a caress set to music."
-- Sigmund Romberg

The Concert

When two lovers meet
the concert then begins
a concerto of music
played upon the wind

A symphony of movement
heartbeats a metronome
sighs become a chorus
whispered words a lyric poem

bodies wrapped in harmony
slowly a crescendo builds
orchestrated rhythms
the music quickly melds

into a single rhapsody
of melody and of song
the tempo slowly quickens
carrying them along

bodies becoming a duet
perfect instruments of love
straining for the perfect note
reaching for the heavens above

like cymbals clashing together
the song of ecstasy pervades
and held there in a drawn out note
then passions music slowly fades

becoming a muted tune
of soft kisses and of sighs
a sad mournful refrain
as the lovers say goodbye

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The song you are listening to is Liebestraum by Liszt.