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Muslim Family!

Islamic Sites Directory

Islamicc Links

Salaam Aleikum Brother's and Sisters. Below is a comprehensive list of Muslim Sites on the Web. Ma'shallah it is wonderful to see so many sites devoted to the teachings of Islam. Although most Islamic sites are made by Muslims and teach the true teachings of Islam, there are other deceptive sites out there that claim to be made by Muslims (instead made by non-Muslims) and they don't teach the truth about Islam. Please be aware when you go into an Islamic site. Also, if you have a website and would like me to link it to my page please E-mail Me and I would be happy to do so.


Islam: Submission To The Oneness Of God
check out my younger brother's website!
*highly recommended*


A new Muslim list server
About Islam and Women
African Islamic History
Ahya Call and Guidance Center
Aishah's Collections
Aka 12 ISLAM 
Al Furqan
Al JamaaReview
Al Muhajiroun
Al Rafiq Enterprises : Genuine Quality Islamic Audio/Video
Al Muhajabat  Islamic clothing
Al Risala Forum International
Al-Khilafah Publications
Al-Magreb Morocco
Al-Muslim Home Page
Al-Sirat al-Mustaqeem
Albalagh .Net
Albanian Islamic Pages
Albanian Islamic World
Aligarh Muslim University
Alim Islamic Software
Alsafaa Walmarwaa store
Altinoluk Monthly Journal The Muslim Family Network
Al~Madina Publications
Amazing Al Qur'an
American Federation of Muslims 
American League of Muslims
American Moslem Foundation
An Introduction to Islam (USC)
Annour Islamic Pages
Anwaar ul-Haqq
Aqeedah: Its Meaning and Importance
Arab World and Islamic Resources - AWAIR
Arabes Q.Com
Arabia Online
Arabic Fonts
Arabic Links
Arabic Software Map
Aramedia Islamic software
Aranib: A Forum For Arabs in Britain (UK)
Arastu (Cards)
Architecture of Islam
Arshad's Islam World
Art of Arabic Calligraphy
Articles and Books (QSS)
Articles and Links on Islamic Medicine and Science
Association of Muslim Researchers
Association of Pakistani Scientists & Engineers
Authentic Supplications Of the Prophet: Table of Contents
Azhar Acadamy
Azhar University

Bader Islamic Association 
Bangor Islamic Society Homepage
Before using Arabic on the Net
Belfast  Islamic Centre
Benevolence International Foundation
Bibliography on Islamic topics
Bilal Phillips'Home Page
Biography of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasalam
Bota Islame Shqiptare (Albanian Islamic World)
Business Products & Services - Islamic Banking
BOOKS Al-Resalah publishing
BOOKS Al-kitab online Islamic and Arabic bookstore
BOOKS Almaktabah.Com arabic books
BOOKS Alminar Islamic Books & Gifts (Books on Islam)
BOOKS An Extensive Worldwide List of Islamic Book-sellers
BOOKS Arabic Books -
BOOKS Arabic Islamic Books Children Books Learn Arabic
BOOKS Bookstore: The Online Islamic Bookstore
BOOKS Dar Al-Ayam for Publishing
BOOKS Dar Al-Fikr (English version)
BOOKS Dar-us-Salam Publications - Online Islamic Bookstore
BOOKS Green Street Books
BOOKS Halalco Books: Books on Islam and the Muslim World
BOOKS Ilm Islamic Bookstore
BOOKS International Books & Tapes Supply
BOOKS Islamic Bookstore .com -- Islamic Books
BOOKS Islamic books for childern (table)
BOOKS Islamic books, audio and video for adults or children
BOOKS Islamic in Albanian Libra me tematike Islame ne gjuhen Shqipe
BOOKS IslamicBookClub
BOOKS Isnet Book Inc. (Eid cards)
BOOKS Online Islamic Bookstore
BOOKS Penerbit Buku-buku Agama Islam - Islamic Books Publishers
BOOKS Quill Publishers: Books on Islam
BOOKS The Islamic Foundation Bookstore Page
BOOKS The Noble Book Foundation
BOOKS The Path to Knowledge
BOOKS The QSS Bookstore
BOOKS Welcome To Iqra'... -Islamic Educational
BOOKS Welcome to Hizmet Books
BOOKS amana publications - Holy Qur'an and Islamic Books
Bible requires acceptance of Islam.
Biblical Criticism
Bibliography on Islamic topics
Bienvenidos a «» Islam en España
Bism Rabbik Foundation Pagina Inicial en Espaqol (Spanish)
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim -- Inilah Homepage Kami
Book Of Islam 
Book Billat Al Shohadda
Bosnia - Bosanske islamske stranice - Islamic Page in Bosnian
Bosnia homepage
Bosnian Children Relief
Brief Chronology of Muslim History
Brief discription of Books on Introduction to Islam

Caliphate/Khilafah; only Statehood in Islam Home Page
Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG)
Centre for Islamic Awareness 
Centre for Islamic StudiesU.of Wales
Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law
Centro Cultural Islamico De Mexico
College Preparatory School of America
Community Media Response
Companions of The Prophet [UMR]
Companions of The Prophet
Concept of Worship in Islam
Converts To Islam
Council of American Muslim Professionals
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Council Of Islamic Organizations in Michigan (CIOM)
Crescent View Academy
Cultural Association of Muslim Women in Switzerland
Cyber Muslima- Natural Beauty
CyberMomin : A Gateway to Islam on the Web
CyberMuslim Guide

Dallah Al Baraka [Islamic banking]
Dar al Islam Web Page
Dar' al Islam
Darassalaf 's Home Page
Darul Arqam
Darwish Studio
Dawatul Islam
Decouverte De L'Islam et Des Musulmans (French)
Deed Islamic Resources Repository Homepage
Defenders of Aal-Ulbait and the Companions
Dialog Center for Strategic and Islamic Civilization
Discover Islam
Dobro došli u novi bosanski Homepage ! (Bosnian)
Download Information on Islam
Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqi's answers to questions from readers
Dr.Ardalan Ghafouri Website
Dar-Us-Salaam Publications
Dutch Islam information site

Educational and Recreational Software in Arabic and English
Enter Islam786
Explore Quran
Export/Import, Trade, Business NETWORK for Muslim Countries.
Effects of Tawhid on Human Life
Eid Greeting Cards from IndiaExpress
El Paso Islamic Center 
Exclusive Hijab Ensembles. Islamic Clothing.

Finnish Resources on Islam
First Steps to Islam for Women
Free Caucasia
Faculty of Islamic Studies Sarajevo, Bosnia
Fahad's Islamic information Home page
Fajr Center for the Arabic Language
Finality Of Prophethood
Finland Ainin islam-kotisivu
Firdous [Malaysian]
Five Pillars of Islam
For People Who Think"
FortWayne Muslims Page
Freedom for Head Scarf !
Friday Khutab
Fundamentals of Tawheed
Future Soft Egypt Home Page -Children Islamic Software titles


Geocities Muslims
Global Marketing of Technology
Glossary of Islamic Terms
Gospel of Barnabas
Grenada Islamic Foundation
Gender Equity in Islam
Glimpses of Islamic Civilization
Global Relief Foundation
Glossary of Islamic Terms and Concepts
Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter


HADITH 500 Ahadith
HADITH An Introduction to the Science of Hadith
HADITH Bibliography
HADITH Forty Hadith Qudsi
HADITH MSA-USC Hadith Database
HADITH Partial Translation of Sahih Muslim
HADITH Partial Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud
HADITH Translation of Malik's Muwatta
HADITH Translation of Sahih Bukhari
HADITH audio
Hadith Quran glossary : The Ally's Homepage
Hafidhun Aleemun Art of Islamic Combat
Hajj & Umrah
Halaman Web ABM
Hamo's Islamic and Arabic Homepage
Handbook of Hajj
Hanif's Page on ISLAM
Harakah Internet Edition
Heritage of Islam
Hijri - Gregorian Converter
History of Islam in America
History of Islamic Medicine
History of the Quran
Holy Land Foundation Page
Home Interactive:  Software in Arabic and English
Home of The Islam WebRing
Huma's Homepage on Islam
Human Concern International
Human Relations in Islam
Huntsville Islamic Center
Husam Al'Din Home Page
HyperBanner Network

ICB Islamic Audio Studio
ICNA Relief
ICNA-Chicago - Home Page
ICNA: MSI Financial Services Corporation Main Page
ICQ Montreal Website
IIM Home Page
IINN FAQ: Islamic Information & News Network 
Idara E Jafferia Center
Illinois Muslim Business Network
Images of the Prophet's Mosque
Imam W. Deen Mohammed
In Search of Truth
Indiana Mosque (Indiana, PA)
Intercultural Muslim Youth Association
International Halal Products Exhibition
International Institute of Islamic Medicine
International Islamic Dawah Centre
International Islamic University Homepage
International Muslimah Artists Network
International Organization of Pakistani Women Engineers
Introduction to Islam (iad)
Introduction to Islam for Beginners (non-Muslims)
Introduction to the Articles and Pillars of Islam (USC)
Iqbal's ArtIslam
Islaam - Pure and Clear: Salaf us-Saalih Web Pages
Islaam.Com Page
Islam & Education / West : pedagogy sociology
Islam (abdrahman)
Islam (
Islam (Alberta U.)
Islam - Memon Assoc of North America
Islam - The Identity
Islam - The Modern Religion
Islam 101
Islam And Science
Islam Denmark
Islam Desde Melilla
Islam Fratern' NET (French)
Islam In America
Islam In The Modern World
Islam Menu
Islam On Line 
Islam On Line from Europe
Islam []
Islam and Science (Embryonic)
Islam and Science Homepage
Islam and Science
Islam and Women's Rights
Islam in America
Islam in Malaysia
Islam in Southern Oregon
Islam in the United States -
Islam is All About
Islam is the Way
Islam on the 'Net
Islamic Information
IslamSoft Home Page
Islam City
Islamic Academy of Sciences IAS
Islamic Assembly of North America
Islamic Banking
Islamic Books & Brochures
Islamic Cairo
Islamic Calendar
Islamic Center Of America
Islamic Center of Boise 
Islamic Cultural Center of Greater Chicago
Islamic Center of Greater Cleveland
Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Islamic Center of Northeast Florida
Islamic Center of Sacramento
Islamic Center of SANTA CRUZ
Islamic Center of Southern California Homepage
Islamic Centers On Line
Islamic Center Of Winona
Islamic Circle of North America
Islamic Civilization and Science
Islamic Coffee Break [Indonesian]
Islamic Computing Centre - Software U.K.
Islamic Council of New South Wales Inc.
Islamic Cyber Reference
Islamic Directory
Islamic Downloads Archive
Islamic Education Foundation
Islamic Educational Software
Islamic Educational and Muslim Home School Resources
Islamic Foundation for Education & Welfare
Islamic Foundation of America
Islamic Home Study Course
Islamic Human Rights Commission
Islamic Image Gallery
Islamic Information Center of Seattle
Islamic Institute Of Technology (IIT) bangladesh
Islamic Intellectual Forum
Islamic Language and Art resources 
Islamic Links Worldwide
Islamic Medical Association of South Africa
Islamic Medical Association
Islamic Medicine
Islamic Network (ISNET) Server [Indonesian]
Islamic Page (Hanif Bhatti)
Islamic Page II (fiu)
Islamic Pictures
Islamic Psychology Online
Islamic Relief
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Religon Online
Islamic Research Foundation
Islamic Resources
Islamic Resources
Islamic Search Engine
Islamic Seminary Homepage
Islamic Societies, Masjids, etc., in USA
Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City Home Page
Islamic Society of Greater Worcester
Islamic Society of North America
Islamic Society of Tulsa
Islamic Society of Wichita
Islamic Studies, Arabic, and Religion Page of Prof. Alan Godlas
Islamic Teachings
Islamic Texts and Resources MetaPage
Islamic Thought (MSA @ University at Buffalo)
Islamic Training Foundation
Islamic University (IU) Homepage
Islamic University Pakistan
Islamic and Arabic arts and architecture
Islamic architecture (Isafan)
Islamic offerings from Australia
IslamicCenter Orange County
Islamica Collection at UCB
Islamische Bibliothek (Encyclopedia Islamica)
Islamische Zeitung [German]
It Is The Truth (islam and science)

Jamaat ul Felaah
Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh
Jamia Binoria Pakistan Learn Islam through multimedi
Jamiat Islamic Web Site Home Page
Jamshid's Page On Islam
Jan Abas's Islamic Patterns Page
Jasarat Interactive News Paper
Jinan Karhani Web page
Journal of Islamic Studies