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Welcome to Muslim Family! Wife and Husband Zone! This site is dedicated to help all Muslims who are thinking about or already are married. The links and articles and all listed to help provide you with valuable information pertaining to Marriage in Islam. I hope this site proves useful to you and please let me know what you think by Signing my Guest book or emailing me at







   Fiqh Of Marriage Click here!

Introduction to the Fiqh of Marriage
Marriage: Goals, Purpose and Definition
Who is One Allowed to Marry?
Qualities to Look For in a Spouse 
The Marriage Contract
The Dowry
Announcement, Feast & Coming Together
Rights of Husband & Wife
 Rights of the Wife Over the Husband
Rights of the Husband Over the Wife
Nushooz (Marital Discord)
Dissolution of Marriage in the Shari'a


Give your love with PC Flowers & GiftsMarriage Related Topics

Islamic Voice - Marriage in Islam
Marriage and Morals in Islam
 Nikah - Choice  
Marriage with Christians - A Qur'anic Perspective
Causes of Marital Discord that can be traced-
 back to the husband or his friends
Characteristics of a Pious Wife
Characteristics of a Pious Husband
The Marriage Contract
Islamic Marriage Goals
Format of an Islamic Wedding Ceremony
Words of Advice to the Husband and the Wife
Married Bliss?
Other Marriage Topics 
 HAWWA - Marriage : The newsletter for Muslim women 



           Family and Marriage Aaron's Baby Baskets for Beautiful Babies

Infertility and Islam
Manners of Welcoming the New Born Child in Islam
Parents Rights ... What Kind of Rights Are They?
What Does Obeying The Parents Mean?
Behavior Towards Non-Muslim Parent
What Every Child Should Know
Disobeying The Parents Is A Grave Matter
Wife Abuse in the Muslim Community
Loopholes in Law Raise Divorce Rates
Forced to Eat The Forbidden Fruit
The Effects of the Mandubatt on Society
Free Mixing


The largest selection and lowest prices online!Woman In Islam

Women in the Quran and the Sunna
Women in Society
Women of Paradise
Women of Paradise:Asmaa' bint Abi Bakr
What is Hijab
Some advice from one Muslim woman to another
Fatawas Regarding Women by Sh. Bin Baz and Other Scholars







                               Stress, Worries, and Grief

The Tongue (Backbiting, Gossip, Pointless Talk)

"The Many Dangers of the Tongue"  
How to Stop Gossip
The Virtue of Speaking Up For a Muslim in His Absence and Opposing Ghibah
Turning Away From Pointless Talk
The Sign of Excellence in Islam  

I would like to repent, But!
The State of Repentance by Imaam Ibn ul Qayyim al-Jawziyyah


Women In Islam

Introduction | (1) Eve's Fault | (2) Eve's Legacy | (3) Shameful Daughters? | (4) Female Education | (5) Unclean Impure Women | (6) Bearing Witness | (7) Adultery | (8) Vows | (9) Wife's Property | (10) Divorce | (11) Mothers | (12) Female Inheritance | (13) Plight of Widows | (14) Polygamy (15) The Veil | (16) Epilogue | Footnotes


Family, Woman, and Marriage
         Islamic Teachings Series In Audio
by Dr. Jamal Badawi

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Place of Family in Islamfree travel brochures
Position of Women in Ancient Civilization
Women in Judaeo-Christian and Muslim Scriptures I
Women in Judaeo-Christian and Muslim Scriptures II
Position of Women in Islam - Spritual Aspect
Position of Women in Islam - Economic Aspect
Position of Women in Islam - Social Aspect
Position of Women in Islam - Political Aspect I
Position of Women in Islam - Political Aspect II
Muslim Women in History I
Muslim Women in History II
Muslim Women in History III
Muslim Women in Recent History
Muslim Women in Contemporary History
Islam's View of Sex
Selection of Spouse & Engagement
Engagement (Cont.)
Marriage Laws in Islam I (Forbidden Categories)
Marriage Laws in Islam II (Validity of Marriage)
Marriage Laws in Islam III (Marriage Contract)
Marriage Laws in Islam IV (Marriage Contract)
Polygamy in Islamic Law I (Historical Perspectives)
Polygamy in Islamic Law II (Historical Perspectives)
Polygamy in Islamic Law III (Why Allowed?)
Polygamy in Islamic Law IV (Women's Options)
Polygamy in Islamic Law V (Prohibition or Legalization?)
Marital Relations I (Wife's Rights)
Marital Relatons II (Wife's Rights)
Marital Relations III (Related Issues)
Marital Relations IV (Husband's Rights)
Marital Relations V (Husband's Rights)
Marital Relations & Children's Rights
Rights of Parents
Rights of Relatives
Marital Problems
Dissolution of Marriage I
Dissolution of Marriage II
Other Topics of Islamic Life on RealPlayer can be found at Islamicity Islamic Series.



Al Qur'an

Regarding Marriage



Regarding Marriage





Marriage Audio lectures
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        Dawud Abu Tasneem Adib

Abu Usaamah adh Dhahabee

          Bilal Philips


"Among His Signs is this that He created you from dust; and then Behold ye are men scattered (far and wide)!And among His Signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquility with them and He has put love and mercy between your (Hearts); verily in that are signs for those who reflect."

[Surah ar-Rum, 30:20-21]


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