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As Muslims we need to be aware of what is going on around us in the global community and help those in their time of need. In effort to help other Muslims who are going through hardship and pain, I made this page so you can become aware of the situations that currently exists in Muslim countries. I've provided several links below and am searching for others. If you know of any other organizations whose purpose is to help Muslims, please let me know by e-mailing me. I will be happy to post a link for them.

This Just In...

Muslims in Ethiopia are starving to death...
Devastating famine in Ethiopia has left millions without food and basic human needs. ICNA Relief is reaching out for help. We need your co-operation and support. Ethiopia is the land of First Immigration for Muslims and has historical significance. Please donate as much as you can.  


Relief for Mozambique Flood Victims:  ICNA Relief is sending Medical Teams with much needed supplies to help Flood Victims in  Mozambique. Muslim areas has been hardest hit by these floods. Please donate generously to help us help the needy people of this African country.


Helping Hand needs your support for Chechnya Refugees:  ICNA Relief is collecting medical supplies, baby food and warm clothes. Our main collection warehouse is located in Central New Jersey. Please contact us for further details. We also need your cash donations to help the victims of Russian aggression. To save time, we urge you to use our Online Secure Donation Form.

Iraqi Child Death Rate
ABC News


Eid -ul-Adha Meat Drive
Muslim tradition 
meat to needy

A Star-Ledger report


Muslim Women's Help Network

Islamic Relief Worldwide

List of Muslim Relief Organizations

Muslim Aid

ICNA Relief

Bosnian Children Relief

Muslim Aid Australia Inc.

Global Relief Foundation

Islamic African Relief Agency

Direct Relief

Islamic Human Rights Commission - UK based

Islamic Medical Association


Dawatul Islam

Home to Muslim Family!