GIs In Iraq Dying In Their Sleep

Calendar Of Military Dead During Iraqi War


Gravely underestimated calendar hardly worth the looking at


Dispatch From Baghdad -

'A Catastrophe Here'


Note: Throughout the entire article there are no words which are tainted. Since that is the case please refrain from bringing in the worst tainted linguistics One can possibly imagine. Thank You for the feedback. Now inasfar as ponography is concerned, if Ones who make such films or videos are able to make or purchase for sale to the American soldiers those typhoid of degenerate films then they can just as well tune into other more cultivated itinerary. We all know the American soldiers are going to physically die rather than returning back to their home in the United States but realize this, Iraqis, that this is the test day for each One of You in Your soul journeys. Sell something else rather than the worst ponography on the face of this earth. The essence of what You are selling is coming through in a most detrimental way. There is a vaste difference between renaissance paintings and western style ponography. Please respect the privacy of others and do neither purchase these items for Yourselves nor manufacture such items for the sale to others. Go in Peace for soon Iraq shall arise. - Uthrania Seila


Iraqis Miss Security

Of Saddam's Regime


Note: Alsalaam Alyakaim. The security will be strengthened and Iraq will rise up like never before. You are correct. In Government there must be the blueprint of the spectrum after the Federation of Free Planets which rises far above the pettiness of secularism which we do naught believe of ourselves in, far above the boundaries of man's religous understanding where he tries to keep all the knowledge of twenty-four thousand universes in all total in a mere few books. The main universes are totaling under fifteen in the Adromedous sector with fourteen others totaling five broadband width universal transmitters overtly in the Saskatoon Manitoba forests where no One, Gods grace them, can get near them now naught even the entire force of the United States navy, pentagon and NASA all put together in one lump sum. Keep the faith of the Starship Commanders for You have been taught many things. Do naught fall back into the Hu-man philosophy because it is, my friend and brother, very limited. And the Saudis had nothing to do with September 9-11 and the towers. The U.S. administration had everything to do with it because they had been well forewarned to stop the corruption against the people of the world using the money system of the hellions. The United States government however did naught choose to tell the people, only a select few did they grant that priviledge too. - Uthrania Seila