it's so *easy*
by akbar a.
date: august 21, 2000

you would be suprised how often i hear this by engine developers/game programmers.

oh , doing such-n-such features is a peice of cake.
whenever i hear this i laugh my ass off.
the main reason is because they say *stuff* is easy, when there own engines/games suck cock or don't have support for that *easy* feature.
it's like okay, so then why isn't it in you game?
usually the answer is "we didn't have time".
then i ask, usually in development you come up with hundreds of test-beds or demos.
I often get the reply, "oh i deleted, it's not that important".
then theres the other point, if it's so easy. Then it *should* have been the first thing you put in ;)
after that, i get no answer.

then i just laugh more.

akbar A.