OpenGL Rebuttal

hey mark,
i am just curious, but what was the motivation for plastering the 72 point
bold font on every single page in the spec

i'm a fan of OpenGL and i really like using it, but seeing that just made me
get really ticked off and i decided to quit writing my GL render and move to
i'm hoping you have a *good* reason so i can come back to GL.

with GL it wasn't even the fact that i was writing 3 code passes, it was
just that "NVIDIA Propriety" that blew my top.
and if you had "evil" intentions, the whole point of "Open"GL and the
extensions is a way to promote the best of the api...
honestly if i worked at ati i would be afraid to open  that spec from my

akbar A

*hopes you did not have evil intentions, but were required by upper