games and movies
by: Akbar Ali (

is it just me or are games starting to become like movies? Is this a good thing? In this article I would like to discuss this. First of you may call me critic or a crazy mad-man, but most movies plane out suck.
Out of about a 100 movies only a few I can rember by name and the ones that are GOOD weigh in at under 5 or 6.
Not let’s take a look at how games have been working out. We are beginning to see the same type of hype with games as you see in movies. It seems that in every magazine I see an add for a certain X game.
People in general want MORE money. In my honest opinion this can lead to the downfall of a company and the moral of the people working at the company.
For example let’s take the company id software.
Sure they HAD a cool game back in the quake 1 days but they just keep driving a good game till it wore out all it’s selling prograss.
They drove an idea till it was a failure.
The failure would be quake 3.
Yes this is true.
Quake 3 is selling terribly take a look for your self over at
Most people consider quake 3 to be the owe-so Best in the graphics field and other things of this nature having to do with eye candy.
This is total crap.
Just like the movies, the first one is the one with all the orignal ideas and plans, the second one is just a pawn off the first one on a way to get more money, or add in the crappy stuff that was  decided to excluded from the orignal game.
This is typical of American companys, and tv shows. Play a show or create a string of titles till people are sick of it. I guess you could call it milking a cow till the milk runs dry.

You see tv shows that are cool, but then the creators decide to strech the show till it gets kicked of the air. Is that a good thing to do? Keep miling the cow?
Imho it’s not a good idea, you should follow your initial plan.
well i have said my two cents worth of info today.
akbar A.