OpenGL linker problems
june 28, 2001

i thought it'd be my duty to inform people of this, cause i'm pretty sure a lot of you have or will run into this.
here's the email i sent back to the OpenGL-forum list.
this is the error that started this all
error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __glTLSCXIndex

okay, i fixed the problem
i was so close to doing a reinstall of mandrake 8 too :|

i deleted all the libGL files in /usr/lib
then i tried to boot up xwindows, and it kept dyeing whenever the kde splash window was about to pop up.

so i ran startkde, and i noticed that it was having problems not finding i think?
so i symbolicly linked it to the libGLcore.

then i tried to run x, and i got that same linker error that started the problems..

i thought all was lost :(
but then i plopped back into the NVIDIA_GLX folder, and ran the make install.
then ran startx and the dependency issues where all fixed...

back to kernel hacking :D

-akbar A.