by: akbar ali
date: august 12, 2000

the other day i got asked what type of machines do i work one...
that question sparked me to add this page to my site :)

my primary work computer is a dell workstation 420.
p3 750. 
it's fast, reliable and it has a 4x motherboard. 
i did have the problem with the fan burning out, but that is a long story :|

it took me 3 weeks to get the fan fixed. 
for the entire time, i had an 18 inch fan rigged to the back side of my box...

to give you the type of workload it can handle (as well as w2k) i have taken this screenshot for your viewing pleasure :)


the other computer is a dell dimension xps 500. 
this is primarily used for testing if my applications have any problems on windows 98. 
besides that issue, it comes very handy when testing various performance issues.

for example, if i run on a high end computer, i don't feel that "pain" and "slowdown" the guys with the slower computers have.
having two computers also come _very_ handy when writing network code.

akbar A.