tux's pic

well, i have a small problem...

i recently purchased linux mandrake release 8.0;

and i do not have a win modem.
every time i run kppp i get an error msg saying that' "my modem is busy".

my guess is taht two devices are sharing the same port ?
and the other device is getting there first?

i have copy/pasted all the information i think i could get trying to help solve this problem

here is the dmesg
here is what i got when i did cat /proc/pci

here is the post it note that came in my modem box
and finally, here is teh box it self

i have a dell workstation 420 btw?


after a lot of looking around and talking to the cool people in irc.openprojects.net chanell #mandrake..

we finally got a fix on how to do it.

here is the source code to the file (i think it can be built as a script as well)

if you don't want to build it here is the executable