by: akbar ali
date: August 15,2000
contact: syedali011@earthlink.net

last night, i got into a rather large argument with one of my "friends"
about NDA's. 
Or a No Disclosure Agreement.

i think nda's are way overused in the software business. Often you will
ask a person on the internet and they will reply with a "sorry, nda'd".
even if the question is something _extremly_ trivial like, what is the
color on the back of the cd.
it's stupid stuff like this that pisses me off.
a company should not make you sign a nda' on stuff they _know_ will
be disclosed.

a good example (which can be put to many uses) is one of a husband having
sex with his wife.

here is how it goes.
a husband just started working at a company, the company made him sign a nda
about _ALL_ (i have signed these) the stuff going on internally.

fast forward to later that night. they are having sex.
then the wife asks (while having sex) what type of computer are you using.
the husband' about to blow is put into a "awkward" situation.

A.) he can quickly tell her and resume to the rhythmic body motions

or he can

B.) refuse to tell her this information which pertains to NO relevance
or loss of important information to the company. And be put in a
situation where he is in extreme pain.

if you realize and think more about this you will _begin_ to feel the way i do about

an nda' should be applied only to _important_ documents and information.
the color of the packaging does _NOT_ matter.

akbar A.